A lawyer spoke of Chileans who may die while stalking in Malaysia: "They are having a terrible time" – 28/07/2018


On August 4, a year of the episode that forever changed the lives of Chileans Felipe Osiadacz (28) and Fernando Candia (30) will be celebrated. This fateful first night of their Malaysia vacation ended with a tragedy that could cost them their lives. A confused episode resulted in the death of a person who had crossed the street, and now they face the possibility that strict Malaysian justice will sentence them in the coming weeks to the death penalty.

"They are having a very bad time, I do not know if there will be differences with the local prisoners, but the conditions, for what we have received, are difficult."

Juan Carlos Manríquez, lawyer of Chileans in detention

are detained at Sungai Buloh Prison, in Kuala Lumpur capital of the country, pending the execution of the trial, which has already been postponed twice, and it is estimated that it will be finally held on August 26 something that young people, their families and any team that works for their defense anxiously await with great concern for the State of youth in prison.

" This is a very difficult time for everyone They had to endure it and also pay for food, medicines and their defense, "explains Clarín Juan Carlos Manríquez, international lawyer specializing in staff lawyers fighting to free them

  Juan Carlos Maríquez, International Law Attorney working to free Chileans imprisoned in Malaysia

Juan Carlos Maríquez, International Law Attorney working to free Chileans imprisoned in Malaysia

"They have lost a lot of weight, their health is precarious and we do not have it "added the lawyer who works ad honorem and was summoned by Senator Francisco Chahuán, chairman of the Chile-Malaysia Committee, to whom the parents contacted Valparaíso detainees

Clarín asked Manríquez:

Can he have had contacts with them all this time?
No, personal contacts were made by the Chilean consul in Malaysia but it was only sometimes.

Did any of the parents see them?
One of them traveled and could see them a few moments earlier. As his parents and other sources have explained, this has also been difficult for boys, but despite the rigor of the prison system they have confidence that they have committed no homicide and that they hope to return to their country. We are waiting for the same thing.

Why is there so much secrecy and can not be accessed?
Prudence and the local legal system in force in Malaysia, which we must respect, so advise.

  Felipe Osiadacz Fernando Candia On vacation in Malaysia, they ended up in jail and could be sentenced to be hanged.

Felipe Osiadacz Fernando Candia went on holiday to Malaysia, ended up in jail and was sentenced to hang.

Regarding the strategy, Manríquez declared that he seeks to "establish that death occurred in a context of recklessness" so that "a lesser sentence may be imposed" and be reduced, since it is "unprecedented aliens". The option of Chileans serving time in their country is also badyzed, which is important to improve the conditions in which they currently find themselves.

"They are having a very bad time, I do not know if there will be differences with the local prisoners, but the conditions, for what we have received They are hard and, to our knowledge, there is This is a very strict regime with extended hours of imprisonment under very difficult conditions. "

In the months of waiting Chilean tourists behind bars in Malaysia, controversy that convulsed the cause of the alleged existence of a video with images of the incident that brought them to prison.

Chilean Senator Manuel Ossand ón told the trans-Andean branch of CNN : "After the information that they gave me, I am a super-pessimist (…) There are records who seriously accuse them ". He also added that in the video we see that "one was sitting on the chest and another lifted his feet, and the other started to drown himself until he die. "

These images really exist an invention of a senator who wanted to create a stir?

I have not seen any images that compromise his state of innocence, says Enríquez.

Finally, do you think the boys had
I think it was a confusing fact, and that bitter moment that nobody wants in their lives has touched them and they must live.

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