What could hide the message of the new filtering of credit cards in Chile | National


A new credit card screening was conducted this afternoon in the country, after the publication of a new document through social networks.

This is the same group as before, TheShadowBrokers which published a PDF file with more account numbers and sensitive security data.

The document that BioBioChile did not publish for security reasons was published in a tweet where he was reading a particular message

# 24HorasCentral
This is a comic book, so they know it (please)
Transbank, in your records are there of these?
Chile stands in solidarity with its neighbors?
All is not banks, do not forget the song SIC SING … scadaaa.https: // t .co / cuQwIf8cM6

Freedom from: -dreex1 -B00du13 -Mr. H

– TheShadowBrokers (@brokers_shadow) July 28, 2018

"This is a comic, so you know it. (Please) Transbank, are there any in your Chile is it favorable to its neighbors? All is not the banks. Do not forget the song SIC SING … scadaaa "

The enigmatic message left the community surprise, since in his words he seemed to hide more information than he seemed to indicate.

This has been seen by some users who commented on new filtering in networks. But, what exactly are they saying?

Court … of light?

While the message is read as a criticism in the beginning, it is only the last part of what could result in a type of threat

"Not everything is banks. N & # Do not forget the song SIC SING … scadaaa "the message said.

But, apparently, it would not be a song as they say.

On the contrary, the so-called pirates refer to the current electricity system that exists in Chile and you can interpret a possible threat to that in your words.

How? Well, the acronym SIC can be translated into the Central Interconnected System : the one that provides almost the entire country.

Meanwhile, SING could mean the Interconnected System of the North : just the one who works for the big mining companies in Chile

And finally, Scada: Supervision, control and acquisition of data . A type of system that would be related to those mentioned above.

In this way, TheShadowBrokers seems to mention that these leaks might be only part of what they expected; perhaps threatening to attack even the country's electricity supply systems.

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