The miracle of the multiplication of the loaves


• Seventeenth Ordinary Sunday
• UNIVA Pastoral Dynamics


Second Book of Kings 4, 42-44

"Elisha insisted: Give the loaves to people to eat, because that's what the Lord says: they will all eat and stay. "

St. Paul to Ephesians 4: 1-6

" Always be humble and kind, be understanding and support each other, strive to remain united in the Spirit with the bond of peace. "

St. John 6, 1-15 [19659006] "Here is a boy who brings five barley loaves and two fishes.But what is it for so many people?"

From this ordinary seventeenth Sunday of the year and four other Sundays, the liturgy offers as theme of reflection and motivation the sixth chapter of Saint John. The theme that St. John exposes in depth, aims at a more intense understanding of the person of Christ – an "internal knowledge", as St. Ignatius of Loyola said – and with the paschal mystery of Christ in the world. Church.

A miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, the Lord reveals the tendor power of Christ. He, and He alone, was capable of a miracle that would reach, that would favor, not a few people, but a multitude of more than five thousand. There he showed superhuman power; the presence of God is manifested in the midst of them, with their power and their love.

It is the transcendental messianic lordship, it is the key presence of the expected Messiah.

But this miracle has a sign: to promote faith. He manifests his power, he acts alone, his only blessing is enough for there to be bread for everyone; but he pretends to show his power, but he shows all his love: he feels compbadion, it hurts them to go home empty-belly, they come from afar to see him and hear him and are there remained hours and hours. 19659012] This is a sign, because in the life of Christ and in his Church, other crowds will also come in the centuries to come and he will always give them the bread of the miracle: the Holy Eucharist. Because this miracle is the prelude to the great event that will take place on Thursday evening, the Lord's Supper

The Three Synoptic Gospels: Matthew (14, 15-21), Mark 6, 35-46, Luke 22, 14-15 ), tells how Christ washed the feet of his disciples and celebrated with them the Jewish Pbadover, with the male lamb of one year and without stain, roasted and accompanied by wine of the vine, unleavened bread and bitter herbs. And then the Christian Pbadover, there around the same table.

Saint John no longer recounts the institution, because it was known to all in his day, but it extends to present in more detail the preparation of the Eucharistic Mystery, which is the most important of all. was the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves throughout the sixth chapter, of which only fifteen verses are taken this Sunday and the action can be arranged in four folds.

First: (Introduction) Jesus crossed the Sea of ​​Galilee, also called Tiberias. A large crowd followed him, carefully observing the signs that he was treating the sick. Jesus climbed the mountain and sat with his disciples. Easter was approaching, the feast of the Jews

Preamble and beginning of the action: "As he looked up, Jesus saw that a large crowd was approaching him and asked Philip:" Where will we buy the bread? to feed them? This question is to clarify the limits of humans.

"He knew what he was going to do." Andrés told him, "Here's a boy who has five barley loaves and two fish." There was the business of the miracle. It was enough …

Bread is an essential food. Not having bread is exposed to death. Bread therefore means life. With this miracle, Christ prepares humanity to receive the bread – which is Him – which gives life, which is life.

The effects of the miracle: People said, "This is the true prophet who was to come into the world." Then Jesus, realizing that they were going to seize him to crown him king, preferred to withdraw ; The hopes of the people of Israel in the expected Messiah were still material. They see the miracle, but they do not understand it. They do not know the authentic mission of the Son of God, which is to bring men to true happiness: eternal salvation.

José Rosario Ramírez M.

What do you propose? the multiplication of the loaves, more than a miraculous manifestation on the part of Jesus, is a provocation in the purest style of Christ, what do you want to do? With his question: "How are we going to buy bread to eat?"

As the text says, he knew exactly what he had to do, but he implicated them, forced them to face the problems, but above all, to propose solutions, despite the difficulty of the challenge, and below of what is proposed. The intention is that they do not fall back on themselves, they put them in an attitude of exit, research.

It pushes them, the apostles, not to confine themselves to the problems or circumstances of their group, that they can see the rest, there is an external situation that the community has to face, the crowd has hunger.

The Church if she wants to behave according to the instructions of its founder, can not exhaust in discussions only of its structure and its needs, we must in our relationship with the other the question of Jesus leads us today to question ourselves: who are we and what should we do for others?

The church finds itself, when it stops falling back on itself and goes out to meet each other, and it offers what it is and has to others, no matter that it is only five loaves and two fish, because the wonder is that this action allows Christ to be given, who is and always will be our great treasure. The loaves and the fish are just a pretext that helps us to recognize each other and to be one with him. The loaves and the fish do not satisfy, which ends up being satisfying, it is knowing how to take Christ.

The young man who overcame his fear and confidence, dared to say that he had five loaves and two fish, he did not lose his food, he earned what charity can only to give, he saw the miracle that favored his detachment, he satisfied a crowd, he multiplied the food and publicly allowed Jesus to manifest himself, as God and Lord

young, what is what it is for so many people?, is to continue to fall back on oneself. It is time, and has always been, to exercise an outgoing Church and let Christ do the rest, multiplying the little that we have been able to offer.

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