Heavy use of firewood forced to issue a new environmental warning for today in the capital


Intendance today declared a new environmental alert in the metropolitan area on the 29th.

Yesterday, the authorities detected a considerable increase in particle concentrations, presumably due to the combustion firewood. In addition, according to the forecasts of the Chilean Meteorological Directorate, the level of ventilation will be regular.

Because of the above we expect an increase in particle concentrations, for which the Metropolitan Stewardship has called on the population to respect the prohibitions of solidarity.

As it is Sunday, the restriction on vehicles does not apply, but there is a ban on using heaters and wood stoves (except pellets) throughout the metropolitan area. The plan contemplates two areas for this measure. A, with the municipalities of the province of Santiago, besides San Bernardo and Puente; and B, with the municipalities of the provinces of Chacabuco, Cordillera, Talagante, Melipilla and Maipo.

In addition, the ban on agricultural burning was reiterated throughout the metropolitan area between March 15 and March 30. December, and it was also suggested not to carry out outdoor sports activities.

Finally, the stewardship warned that the carabinieri and the health authority will intensify the monitoring actions of the use of heaters and domestic fireplaces.

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