The skin of the child becomes stone because of a strange disease


United States.- There are unusual diseases such is the case of a twelve-year-old boy named Jaiden Rogers of the State of Colorado in the United States , which unfortunately suffers from a rare disease that turns his skin into stone.

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Jaiden Rogers suffers from rigid skin syndrome which consists of a connective tissue disorder who evolves rapidly and makes the skin hard


Your skin looks like stone, says Natalie Rogers, the boy's mother. It's like touching a kitchen counter.

As before this terrible illness was manifesting, one could say that little Jaiden did not have an easy life: son of a single mother who could not keep it, Rogers decided to adopt becoming his legal guardian in 2005, teaching him to speak correctly and to make him feel at home, since he was discovered at an early age with autism . But the toughest part began six years ago when boy's father, Tim Rogers, noticed a small bump on Jaiden's right thigh just below the skin

. Dermatologist the couple was concerned that the tumor was still growing. On their website, the couple reports:

In a few weeks, growth was wrapped around Jaiden's right thigh and behind his knee. Once the hard calcifications invaded the joint, Jaiden began to lose mobility

. This is how he diagnosed the strange state of the child. This disease was discovered for the first time in the 1960s and the patient's skin begins to thicken and harden, spreading throughout the body.

With Jaiden counting, only 41 were registered. case in the whole world.

The child's parents had to spend the $ 677,000 from Tim's pension fund and mortgage their home three times to pay for the medical expenses of chemotherapy to stop the progression of his condition, and the strong pain medications that make up the small sleep up to 18 hours a day.

The couple opened a page from Go Fund Me to receive donations and follow the treatment of his son.

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The family seeks to raise $ 1.5 million, which would cover a year of special treatment of stem cells ] for rare diseases of the skin in Europe. Currently, they have managed to collect 117 thousand dollars.

  • children's stone
  • rigid skin syndrome
  • jaiden rogers
  • skin disease

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