Colombia will be the country of Latin America with the most expensive plane tickets – El Pilón


For the year 2018 it is estimated that Colombia will have the cost increase of plane tickets higher than Latin America, according to Carlson Wagonlit Travel's report and the Global Business Travel Association. The two organizations forecast an increase of 6.5%, exceeding countries such as Peru, Chile and Mexico, whose costs would also increase this year by 6.1%, 3.2% and 1.5%, respectively. .

The published report, one of the main causes to which the increase is due was the international price set on oil. The Vice President of Global Management CWT Latin America Jair Suárez, pointed out that the increase in crude oil references is a factor of concern for airlines before the possibility that costs aircraft fuel increase

He also added that another factor taken into account was the percentage increase in the country's tourism sector, which saw a double-digit increase in the number of visitors aliens compared to 2016. At the same time, the result of the past presidential elections have influenced the behavior of the industry, because there was fear, but Duque's triumph has eased the concerns and entrepreneurs continued to view the country as a destination for their investments.

The República, Santa Marta, Cartagena and Medellín are the national destinations with the highest number of visitors, since they concentrate 35%, 20% and 15% of bookings, respec According to the latest report on sales of the agency Almundo

Santiago Álvarez, executive director of Latam Airlines Colombia, noted "what we recommend to our pbadengers is to look for tickets with one or two months to the So that they can find the best prices. "In the case of Avianca, the company said that" the airline's prices obey the macroeconomic laws of supply and demand. " the demand of each market. "

According to journals of the same newspaper, rising prices have not been an obstacle for Colombians. Laura Martínez, commercial flight director for Despegar Colombia, said that "this year's reserves have increased by about 17% and travelers have invested on average 12% more compared to the same period of 2017". In the case of Almundo, the head of the country, Maria Oriani, said the increase was 70%.

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