Chahuán joins the criticism against the government by the Uber law: "You can not favor certain actors over others"


A new national demonstration led taxi drivers against the Uber Law Appeal as a result of the initiative that entered the government in the Chamber of Deputies for the purpose of regulate smartphone applications badociated with private pbadenger transport

The President of the National Confederation of Taxis of Chile (Confenatach), Luis Reyes, rejected the project claiming that as a guild they are not satisfied . "It was very lightly, what the Minister (Gloria Hutt) sent to Parliament was very improvised," he said.

Senators RN Francisco Chahuán rallied to these criticisms, while emphasizing that the legal initiative solves serious problems, in particular those related to the taxation of these companies and The safety of the pbadenger, criticized the fact that the unions have not been heard. " There must be a law here not to favor certain actors over others ", he said

"We will ask that the Senate Transport Committee receive the unions mobilized.We believe that it is very important to be actively listening to have a law that creates an equal tribunal to compete in the public transport market, "concluded the senator .

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