The philosophy change applied to the Xperia XZ2 seems to have no effect – at least for the moment. Sony's latest quarterly results, corresponding to its first fiscal quarter of 2018 (April-June), reflect a significant decline in the revenues and profits of the telephony division.

Specifically, the sale of smartphones fell by 27% over the same quarter of the previous year . Similarly, profits went from 3,600 million yen (positive) to losses of 10,800 million yen

The Japanese company recognizes a decline in sales in Europe and Japan his native country However, it positively badesses the cost reduction applied to its smartphone division .

Sony does not expect an improvement in the situation in 2018 . His forecast for the rest of the year is that revenues will be reduced by 5% and the division's losses will double. A situation without interest

Spiral of death?

Despite efforts to reverse the situation with the new Xperia XZ2, Sony's numbers reflect widespread pessimism around its division of smartphone . The situation is reminiscent of what other major manufacturers such as HTC, BlackBerry or Nokia have known in the past. The difference, however, is that the sale of smart phones represents a small part of all of Sony's business, ie financial services, video games, music and other types of business. 39 electronic devices.

to a greater or lesser extent, financial health . The group's results reflect positive accounts, with 5% more revenue and 24% more earnings in the first fiscal quarter than in the previous period.
