What would the houses on Mars look like? NASA has already selected five models


The human being will reach Mars … at some point. But, for now, NASA already chooses functional designs for homes on the red planet.

One of the biggest dreams of being human is to march on Mars; as well as at its time it was walking on the moon. And even if for now it's still a fantasy; it will surely not be much longer before it is real. In fact, NASA has already begun to choose the homes in which astronauts will live on the red planet .

Future Mars Houses

With Bradley University of Peoria, Illinois; NASA has chosen five models of viable Martian homes for its construction in the future, hopefully not so far away. The idea is that these houses are built with 3D printing; but not with any material: with materials found on Mars (some).

Now that these designers have been selected, NASA will give them 100 thousand dollars for the next step, which will be the competition of 3D printed houses. Here are the winners:

5.- Northwestern University of Evanston in Illinois

4.- SEARCH + / Apis Cor of New York

3.- Kahn Yates of Jackson of Mississippi

2.- AI. SpaceFactory of New York

1.- Zopherus of Rogers, Arkansas

All these Martian houses should have the following characteristics:

  • Function as habitat and workplace
  • Resisting dust storms and generally the harsh climate of Mars
  • Building with Martian and Recycled Materials

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