I know the biological signals that you are aging


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  I know the biological signals indicating that you are getting older

The National Oncology Research Center of Spain has conducted a study on how to deal with the deterioration that we all face over the years, even if for Manuel Serrano, "nothing improves with age from a biological point of view."

"These are inevitable factors," says Serrano. "They can be more or less accused in some people because of their lifestyle or their genetics, but or less always occur"

These are the factors that show age in mammals, including humans.

The accumulation of damage to DNA

The DNA is like a code that is transmitted between cells, with age, the possible "errors" are increased. This phenomenon, called "genomic instability", is particularly important when damage affects stem cell functions, jeopardizing their role in tissue turnover.

Wear of Chromosomes

As we age, telomeres – the protective layers at the ends of the DNA chains – are used, leaving unprotected chromosomes, which prevents them from replicating properly , because of the development of diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis and aplastic anemia, which makes different tissues lose their regenerative capacity.

Alteration of Gene Expression

The body develops epigenetic processes, which determine the behavior of each cell. Years and lifestyles can change the way these instructions are given, which can cause cells to behave differently from what they should be.

Loss of cell renewal capacity

the body has the ability to prevent the accumulation of "damaged" components and to ensure the continuous renewal of cells. However, this ability decreases with age by accumulating unnecessary or toxic proteins that in some cases are linked to diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and cataracts.

Cell metabolism is not controlled

Over time, cells lose their ability to process substances such as fats and sugars.

This is how diseases such as diabetes can develop. the person can not properly metabolize the nutrients that reach the cells.

Mitochondria cease to function

Mitochondria provide energy to cells but progressively lose their effectiveness

When mitochondria do not function optimally, they can damage the cells. DNA. ] <! –


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