The Urban Urban – Detecting and diagnosing breast cancer in time avoids imminent danger


A modified cell acquires the ability to divide without control and order, thereby producing more equal cells and generating a tumor.

Early detection of a disease such as bad cancer has many benefits. for the health of those who consult and for their families, for which the Libertador Bernardo O. Higgins Regional Hospital (HRLBO) made several recommendations that patients and their family members should not be left behind, by taking care of their care day, causes more deaths in the country.

Cancer is the result of mutations or abnormal changes in genes that regulate cell growth and keep them healthy. The genes are in the nucleus of cells, which act as the "control room" of each cell. Normally, the cells of the body are renewed by a specific process called cell growth: new and healthy cells replace the old cells that die. But over time, mutations can "activate" certain genes and "disable" others in a cell.

"Consultations for suspicion of bad cancer have been increased.At the month of October, about 200 patients have already been confirmed with this disease, which opposes the other years that did not reach about 100 people, "said Regional Breast Pathology Nurse Coordinator Paula González

2 plastic surgeons, 1 radiation oncologist and a nurse coordinator." As a team, continues the nurse, it has been difficult to increase the number of patients to control and administer their treatment. Despite the greater technology available, this disease should be detected sooner, but that did not happen and the incidence of cases has unfortunately increased, "said the nurse.

Rancagüino Hospital is the only one in the region. who has specialists in bad diseases, all offices and hospitals refer to this health center case to evaluate and confirm so that they can receive the corresponding treatment.

In addition, said the coordinator, "patients who have been vasectomized (who have lost their bad), for the treatment of their disease, has the opportunity to rebuild the affected bad or bads through a team of surgeons with mammary pathology. "

The main recommendations that precede this challenge are diseases; At the beginning of a woman's fertile age, bad self-examination should be performed to know the shape and size of their bads, and then additional mammography exams after 40 years , in case of antecedent, as close relatives or pre-existing pathologies of bad cancer, it is recommended to do it after 30 years. The Ministry of Health recommends a mammogram every two years after 55 years.

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