Luis Almagro gives Daniel Ortega an ultimatum


The intransigence of the Daniel Ortega regime by not accepting any kind of collaboration from the international community to overcome the socio-political crisis, its refusal to return to the dialogue table and its commitment to maintain a brutal crackdown on citizens calling for the advancement of elections, it yesterday placed a step ahead of the implementation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, warned, at the Sixth Special Session of the Permanent Council, crisis in Nicaragua, the continuation of repression in the country will force this agency to resort to Article 20 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

For the Director of the Inter-American Institute for Democracy (IID), based in Miami (United States). UU., Beatrice Rangel, the warning of Almagro is an "ultimatum". "Either the Nicaraguan government is starting to correct its course, or it will punish it," said Rangel.

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Section 20 of the Charter would allow Almagro to request the Permanent Council to appear immediately to request a collective badessment of the situation in the country.

"It's time to demand"

Almagro said at the special session that the OAS must act decisively to face the defense of democracy and human rights and, stressing the case of Nicaragua, pointed out that, in one country, there is a violation of human rights and death en bloc "we are facing the fall of the rule of law."

"The time has come for To require, demand, investigate, demand and demand that the current moment of violence be stopped, "he said.

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The intervention of Almagro was immediately rejected by the Ortegaism representative to the OAS, Luis Alvarado, who criticized him for being faithful to his remarks. "Empire", referring to the United States.

What Article 20

Article 20 states verbatim: "In the event that a Member State modifies the constitutional order and seriously affects its democratic order, any Member State or Member State shall the Secretary-General may request the immediate convening of the Permanent Council so that he may make a collective badessment of the situation and adopt such decisions as he deems appropriate.

"The Permanent Council may, depending on the circumstances , organize the procedures. diplomats necessary, including good offices, to promote the normalization of the institution Democratic

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"If the diplomatic efforts prove unsuccessful or if the urgency of the matter calls for it, the Permanent Council shall immediately convene a special session of the General Assembly so that it may adopt such decisions as it deems appropriate, including diplomatic efforts, in accordance with the Charter of the Organization, international law and the provisions of this Democratic Charter. [19659002] "During the process, necessary diplomatic efforts, including good offices, to promote the normalization of democratic institutions. "

Nicaragua is one of the member countries of the organization and is committed to its content. On April 18, the country experienced a civil rebellion that the government harshly repressed, making a toll of 325 to 512 deaths, according to human rights organizations.

What if diplomatic efforts fail? 19659007] Former Foreign Minister Francisco Aguirre explains that the Inter-American Democratic Charter provides in Article 21 for the possibility of suspending a country from the inter-American system.

"If there was an interruption of the democratic order and diplomatic initiatives failed, clearly we are, the obstacle is that we have to suspend a member country with two-thirds of the vote and that translates into 24 votes, the maximum we've got so far is 22 ", he said.

: The Blue and White National Union Luis Aguerre was Chancellor of Nicaragua at the time of the approval of the Democratic Charter in 2001.

The former representative of Nicaragua to the OAS, Manuel Salvador Abaunza, explained that if we move to Article 20, it is the invocation of the Democratic Charter that means moving from preventive diplomacy to action, that is to say the search for the suspension of Nicaraguan regime within the OAS

"There is recognition. very clearly that in Nicaragua, the dictatorship is outside any order of the international law, there is no rule of law, there is no respect for the international agreements to which the State of Nicaragua is subscribed ", said Abaunz.

The former diplomat Julio Icaza Gallard explained that the pbadage of this Friday – the mention of Almagro – is due to the exhaustion of the efforts made to date by the Council

"He indicated a way forward, consisting in raising the level of diplomatic efforts by calling the Permanent Council to a general badembly, in which countries would be represented by foreign ministers. This is a milestone and a growing diplomatic commitment, "said Icaza.

Other Implications

For Beatrice Rangel, if Article 20 of the Democratic Charter was approved, it would pave the way for the application of economic and individual sanctions to the governors.

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"If the Democratic Charter s & d. Nicaragua, from the point of view of the international community, has the possibility to suspend diplomatic relations with the Nicaraguan regime, to suspend trade relations and, in the particular case of the United States, Nicaragua of a free trade agreement (DR-Cafta). He can easily suspend benefits, "he said.

The State does not cooperate

The non-compliance with the agreements signed by the State of Nicaragua was one points raised in the two reports submitted to the Permanent Council by the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Paulo Abrao, and the Deputy Coordinator of the Working Group on Nicaragua, Hernán Salinas.

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Abrao explained the different phases of repression adopted by the regime Daniel Ortega since last April
In general, at least 325 people have been killed since April, including 21 police officers from Ortega, but the secretary of the organization pointed out the number of minors: 24. [19659002] He underlined the differential impact of repression against In the interior of the country, ambbadadors like the delegate of Argentina, a firm critic of the repression of the regime, also took part in the session.

"(The IACHR) noted a growing deterioration of the rule of law in the country, a resurgence of acts of violence and repression aimed at suppressing public demonstrations," said Paulo Abrao, ICDR Executive Secretary [19659035] LA PRENSA / OAS

"In Nicaragua, people who die and die bear a name and a family name, and today I want to remember Alvarito Conrado, a 16-year-old man. who, before dying, had said, "It hurts me to breathe," said Paula María Bertol, Argentina's ambbadador to the OAS.

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