Early detection of cancer, a commitment of all


The third day against cancer was a recognition for all women who struggle daily with this disease.

Yesterday, as part of the World Day Against Breast Cancer, the Huila and Neiva Health Secretariats presented a general presentation on the disease in the department, as well as a global vision of this disease. disease, as well as the cervix of the uterus and the child. it is the cancers that are presented and monitored in the department.

In the case of Neiva, up to October 6 of this year, 36 cases of bad cancer and 30 cases of cervix uteri have been reported. This represents a rate of 27.1 cases per 100,000 women over 18 years of age with bad cancer; and for the cervix, the rate is 22.6 cases per 100,000 women over 18, which means that the capital of Huila is ranked 12th for the incidence of these two types of cancer.

Early detection. and early diagnosis, are the fundamental tools for the healing of bad cancer and this is precisely what we seek to do, the subject gives power to women, because bad cancer is the most common type of cancer widespread in the country; each year about 1,800 new cases

. The third day of cancer was aimed at updating the knowledge of health professionals who manage Huila's cancer programs, including bad, cervical and child cancers. ] According to the reference of Neiva's cancer program, Tatiana García Ramos, the focus is on bad cancer; given that it is one of the leading causes of death among women. Last quarter's indicators show that five women aged 30 to 70 died of the disease. "We are concerned about the problem, which is why we are providing the community with a series of workshops to make it more visible.We guide and teach women to detect and identify early signs that may be related to cancer and timely consultation of health services and appropriate use of promotion and prevention services, "said the professional.

Similarly, the focus has been on childhood cancer because, according to the indicators, the proportion of cancers in children, adolescents and young people is lower. 19.5 cases per 100,000 children under 18; the total number of reported and confirmed cases ranged from 50 to 6 October 2018 in Huila, with acute pediatric leukemias being the most prevalent.

During the day, topics were also discussed on the general concepts of screening and early detection, techniques. clinical bad examination, benign bad pathology approach (mbad, modularity, telorrhea, mastalgia), BIRADS interpretation and quality control of bad diagnostic images, policy and cancer perspectives in the US. child in Colombia, general pediatric and bad cancer workshop, clinical correlation, imaging and pathology, among others

Doctors, specialists, nurses and medical students participated in the day that took place at the Amparo auditorium Páramo Hernández from the Faculty of Medicine of the University. Surcolombiana.

According to the WHO, one in eight women will be living with bad cancer throughout her life, which is why it takes commitment from the whole society to contribute on his side to fight against this tumor.


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