Chileans with idle iPhone could receive compensation


Chilean users of iPhones 5, 6 and 7 affected by the sudden slowness of their phones could be compensated.

This payment could result from the legal dispute they face in the US Apple for deliberately slowing down the phones.

The National Consumer Corporation (Conadecus) was badociated with the preliminary bargaining table so that Chilean users of these models were also compensated. Apple's defense has requested that the compensatory payments be paid only to US residents, but the Northern California District Court dismissed the petition and agreed that compensation be extended to citizens not residing on the United States. American soil.

at the negotiating table through an American study that supports us ", he explained to Hernán Calderón President of Conadecus.

In this sense, Calderón specified that the Judicial process For the US case, this differs from the way this happens in Chile because "a clbad action is brought, but what the court does is that before the trial begins, it asks the parties to join a negotiating table. "

The officer also confirmed that the figure claimed was compensation of between 350 and 500,000 pesos for each owner of an iPhone . [19659007] The number of users who would be beneficiaries

"What we need to do is check who owns the devices in Chile. Many will have the means to check them because many have purchase contracts and they could benefit from this compensation ", explained Calderón.

For this, the president of Conadecus declared to have consulted the under-secretary for telecommunications on the number of iPhone phones, there are some on the Chilean market, but the public agency has replied that it will not have the information, so they will look for the figure via the telephone companies.

The number of beneficiaries could also be influenced by the case of people who have more than one phone of the models mentioned and who have slowed down: "These are the owners who are going to have to try when they have the # 39, iPhone and they are the ones who acquired them " he badured

Date of a possible resolution

As what is done now is a table of negotiation before the process s, Calderón explained that he could have made a decision in the short or medium term.

"Before the trial itself reaches an agreement, that is why this negotiating table is in place and that the court opens its doors for the parties to reach an agreement." Apple tried to block the participation of Conadecus, but the court said no, it corresponded and we are ratified at the table, "he said.

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