Bill Gates' new self-lubricating condom supports up to 1,000 penetrations


A scientific team sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation created a self-lubricating condom that can support up to 1,000 penetrations.

This is not a condom that you should use a thousand times, it is simply lubricated longer Code Spaghetti explained that the study conducted by Boston University and published in the British journal Royal Society Open Science details that, unlike commercial condoms, they are made of latex coated with a lubricating gel. water-based – this new condom uses a hydrophilic material that becomes slippery when it comes in contact with water or any other moist environment.

All goes well: self-lubricating condoms can help increase the uptake of condom use https: / / #RSOS / 5LET3yuTlA

– Royal Society Publishing (@RSocPublishing) 17 of October 2018

Standard coitus has about 240 to 500 penetrations and during this time, condoms lose their lubricating properties, which causes embarrbadment and even pain. This new model exceeds more than twice the properties of moisture.

Most participants (73%) expressed their preference for a condom containing the lubricant coating, and agreed that an inherently slippery condom remained slippery. for a long time, the use of condoms would increase. According to this study, this coating could be an effective strategy to reduce the pain badociated with friction, increase user satisfaction and increase condom use. "

Silicone-based commercial lubricants," put "into condoms, repel moisture.

The new condom is coated with" polymers that capture moisture from the water and body fluids and trap these fluids on the surface of the condom. "

The result is a condom" It provides a slippery feel for long periods of time, without it being necessary to stop and add an artificial lubricant. "

Leaving On the "recreational" side of this new model, it could be a great tool for health systems around the world.If the condom does not cause discomfort, it is more likely to to be used, which reduces the rate of badually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies in the long term

Source: Televisa News

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