Caravan of migrants: "We are already in Mexico, we will not stop", thousands of people continue their march towards the United States


  Migrants Travel to Tapachula


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Thousands of migrants forming the caravan crossed the border between Guatemala and Mexico and headed to the United States.

"We are exhausted, the road has been terribly difficult, but we also have hope: we are in Mexico, which means a lot to us", summarizes BBC Mundo, José Luis, l & # 39; one of the caravan's migrants trying to reach the United States.

On the tenth day of his departure from San Pedro Sula, Honduras, part of the caravan began its march in Mexico.

"Yes, it was possible, yes, it was possible!" and "Mexico City, Mexico!" are the most repeated choruses.

The caravan arrived in Tapachula, Chiapas, in the south-east of the country, about 30 kilometers from the border.

  • "Help us, do not come back to us!", Thousands of people from the migrant caravan are already walking through Mexico

They began their march through Mexico this Sunday at 5 am against the will of the governments of this country and the United States.

The Mexican authorities, who were pressured by US President Donald Trump, repeated that migrants had to present a visa or seek refuge.

In one of his latest tweets, he asked to stop "the violent attack of illegal aliens."

Critical Moment

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Image Legend [19659005] The caravan arrived at Tapachula, in the Mexican state of Chiapas, after walking ten hours .

The caravan suffered moments of great tension during its pbadage from Guatemala to Mexico.

When they arrived on Friday at the bridge that separates these countries, there were moments of chaos in which Mexican migrants and policemen clashed. Police threw tear gas, stone migrants.

Then the Mexican authorities closed the fence and the wait was long and desperate and divided the caravan.

  • Caravan of migrants: Rodolfo Robles, the bridge that became a "refugee camp" between Mexico and Guatemala

Mexico started processing asylum applications, what the migrants did not want not initially, but only one step away Thousands of of them decided not to wait and, on Saturday, they crossed the Suchiate River while swimming, rafting or fishing. walking, with the help of a rope that they stretched the natural barrier between Guatemala and Mexico

On Sunday morning, they began to cross Mexico, in a very long block occupying a large stretch of the road linking Ciudad Hidalgo on the border to Tapachula in Chiapas in the south-east of the country.

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Caravan migrants claim to have fled their country because of the violence.

According to the National Commission of Human Rights, according to a count of local authorities, could be more than 5,000 immigrants especially from Honduras.

They were going at a fast pace and very fast. Although there are children, elderly people and people in wheelchairs or on crutches.

At one point, the federal police closed the pbad but opened it just before the arrival of the caravan.

  • Caravan of migrants: Mexico hosts nearly 400 people from Central America, while others choose to cross the border river

In some places, their vehicles escorted them. They were asked to submit their asylum application, but the migrants refused and followed their path.

"We are afraid to be deported, it is better to continue walking like this" says Carlos.

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What are Hondurans who want to travel to the United States?

Like all migrants interviewed by BBC Mundo, he claims to escape the violence and poverty of his country.

"We ask the Mexicans to help us, not to send us back." We only want them to let us in. We do not want to bother, we just want to go to the United States to work "says Maria who walks with her husband and two young children.

Others wait [19659015] Image of the author's right

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An important group of the caravan is still waiting on deck with the authorization of the Mexican authorities.

Part of the migrants are still on the bridge connecting these two countries, seeking refuge in Mexico.

They have been suffering from extreme heat for many hours. They slept two nights on the asphalt, in the open air. They do not have access to running water or toilets and constantly smell of urine.

Children are the most vulnerable to these conditions: some have suffered from diarrhea or sunstroke,

  • "We buy a rope and we throw the bridge", the desperation of migrants who risk their lives to the border between El Salvador and Honduras

Waste accumulated in small mountains.

Desperate scenes were seen: children and women fainted.

According to the National Commission on Human Rights there are about 1,500 remaining on the bridge. And new people arrived.

Requests for Refuge

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Migrants Want to Cross Mexico on Foot and Enter the United States United.

Mexican authorities began to allow migrants to enter with an asylum claim although they granted them at a pace that seemed too slow.

" It's a crisis. The children are Eva Fernández, from the NGO Yo Amo Guatemala, who left California to help organize the caravan, says Eva Fernández who suffers a lot and if they spend a lot of time here

  • Mario Castellanos: the child who travels only in the caravan of migrants in the United States

The Commissioner for National Security, Renato Sales Heredia, has told BBC Mundo that they were receiving migrants and processing asylum applications.

He stated that every day they would handle on average the demands of some 300 immigrants.

"Called to Protect children "

In the caravan, many babies and children are particularly vulnerable to the harsh conditions of the walk.

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" In our country, we have no future, "he said one of the members of the caravan at BBC Mundo.

Edgar Corzo Sosa, of the National Commission for Human Rights, states that does not see "the minimum interest" of Mexican authorities to take care of minors.

"We call on the government to protect children: immediate and continuous badistance is needed, children are dehydrated, mothers are trying to take care of them, but it is very hot and we have seen with fever, "says BBC World.

"We know that this path is particularly difficult for our children, but what can we do?" In our country, we have no future Arriving in the United States is a matter of life and death. we all die, "says Dania who left San Pedro Sula with her husband and 4 children.

  • The caravan that" infuriates "Trump (and how he uses it politically in his favor)

They have decided to wait on the bridge, but they know that waiting can still be very long: they put a plastic sheet attached to the fence that serves to protect their children from the sun.

"It would not do much for the rain, but until now we have been lucky. Only a few drops fell yesterday, "he said, and because the gangs made us fry: I had to pay extortion to work in my small mechanic shop, but I could not afford them and I had to close, "says Pedro, another migrant.

Most people believe that in the United States, life will be better.


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For many, the arrival in the United States is synonymous with opportunity and better life.

In their wake, many Mexicans left their homes to encourage them: " B Welcome, encouragement, we know you have the right to seek a better life" Jesus told them at the entrance. of your house.

Others gave them water or food.

"Some Mexicans think that Central Americans are bad or criminal, but I think it's because they have not had a chance to live with them," said Joel Moreno Reyes , who helped carry the end of the caravan to the most tired people.

  • "I will not let him die": the woman raped by gangs in Honduras who goes to the United States to save her son

When they arrived at the end of their day of travel, after more than 10 hours of walking in the central park of Tapachula, the migrants finally rested.

They were exhausted by their journey one of the most difficult treks of the road up to now: under a gigantic sun and intense heat. However, they were happy to be in Mexico.

"We are already in Mexico, we are not going to stop" it was a phrase that was repeated among them.

They are now planning their next destination in the country south of the United States.

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After 10 hours of walking, the caravan arrived at Tapachula, where migrants are resting and the children want to continue.

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