Another "forgotten": young corpse was two years old in SML penquista without being recognized | National


A lawsuit for lack of service badesses the presentation of the family of a man whose body was "forgotten" for two years in the legal medical service of Concepción . That's Sergio Abraham Urra Venegas, who disappeared in 2014 and his mother now accuses the negligence and demands justice.

It is September 24, 2014 that the family of the young man has lost his trace. The research has been extended for years in the regional capital and in other communes. There were even traces in the Bio Bio River recalls his mother, Silvia Venegas, but without result.

Two years later, an officer of the judicial police, according to this family, told them informally that the body of this 27-year-old woman was in the legal medical service, according to Alejandra Garrido, the companion of the deceased.

In her narrative, the woman accuses the prosecution of lying to lies and negligence when performing DNA tests .

Nearby, remember that they went to the service legal medical in December 2014 when they found the body in the area of ​​the mouth, but they said that it was not Sergio Urra .

Therefore, the young man's mother, Silvia Venegas, seeks justice, especially after knowing what happened to Sergio Mardoff and indicated that she had decided to take legal action.

"It was a long time ago, a lot of taunts (…) I take pills because I am seriously depressed," said the mother of Sergio Urra.

With this lawyer, the lawyer, Andrés Durán, accused the public prosecutor's office and the legal medical service have not been coordinated.

" If there is no negligence, what happens? (…) We should ask the former chief prosecutor what happened here, "concluded the representative.


When she was consulted, the prosecutor Marcela Cartegena, He made it clear that he was unaware of the case – which had been handled by the prosecutor Paolo Muñoz – / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / cradle-sergio-urra-tax. mp3

This is the second case of these features recorded in the region after negligence around the Mardoff case was discovered.

The Forensics Department refused to refer to the subject, noting that every 15 days, they reported to the IDP and the Public Prosecutor's Office about the deceased in detention that is in the organization .

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