Panama Creates Humanitarian Affairs Office for Venezuelan Residents | In the agenda


  Photo: Repository

Photo: Repository | EFE

Panama today created an office for Venezuelans living in the country to process applications for family reunification for "humanitarian reasons" as well as stamped visas.

The Appeal United Kingdom Office of Humanitarian Affairs The Venezuelan residents are targeted by Executive Decree No. 612 of October 22, 2018, published on Monday in the National Migration Service.

In this office, the "resident of in Panama Venezuelan nationality may appear (…) to personally submit the application for reunification for humanitarian reasons, for this family member in the fourth degree of consanguinity and the second of affinity, "said an official statement.

dependence, "Venezuelan residents" may also apply for stamped visas in Panama to persons wishing to travel to the country to attend an event or family or social event on a given date. "

For family reunification procedures and stamped visas before the new Office of Humanitarian Affairs of the National Service of Immigration interested parties must attach a copy of the pbadport of the & 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945. foreigner, copy of the resident's identity card, proof of relationship, proof of liability, letter of liability and proof of address to Panama .

In the Consulates of Panama to Venezuela and abroad will affix on the corresponding visas the reference numbers and the authorization issued by the Office of Humanitarian Affairs for Residents of Venezuela for which the persons concerned will have to report to the consular offices Panama in the country where they reside with their current pbadport

For the places where Panama does not does not have consular offices, the National Service of Immigration "will issue an official travel document in favor of the applicant and the corresponding visa will be stamped upon arrival at Panama at the airport Tocumen International ", added the official information.

Panama requests a stamped visa for Venezuelans, a measure of the government of the President Juan Carlos Varela . to deal with the mbadive influx of people fleeing the generalized crisis in this country of South America.

On October 11, the Panama Government announced that it was extending the validity of the multiple visa to five years. Entry and exit of citizens of Cuba, China, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and India.

The purpose of the regulation is to "facilitate the travel procedures of tourists and companies Panama and contribute to development and economic growth," said the National Migration Service.


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