Migrant caravan continues in the United States despite Trump warnings | Internationale


Thousands of Hondurans arrived Monday in the impoverished Huixtla community, their second stop in Mexican territory with final destination for the United States, defying the new threats of President Donald Trump to reduce aid to Honduras, in Guatemala and El Salvador, in retaliation for the unstoppable exodus of migrants.

Almost concurrently, and surprisingly, the Mexican government allowed the entry of hundreds of other migrants who had been waiting since Friday on the border bridge with Guatemala and who were part of it. of the caravan that left Honduras nearly ten days ago

More than 7,000 migrants, according to UN estimates, have invaded the church, the basketball court and the only park No more than 60 meters long and 80 meters wide since Huixtla, city located in the jungle of the State of Chiapas, on the border with Guatemala.

they separate them from the northern border of Mexico about 3,000 km and fatigue begins to make them lose heart, migrants declaring themselves satisfied and eager to achieve their goal: United States.

To avoid a few kilometers of walking, hundreds of people settled there. trailers, vans, motorcycles, shouting "Yes, that's right! Yes, that's right!" And they waved Honduran flags crossing the communities they had crossed to get from Tapachula to Huixtla, where locals organized themselves to feed them, water, diapers and socks.

Alexis Lara, a 33-year-old electrician and Mason, is among those who celebrate his arrival in this community, even though he never ceases to regret the exodus of his compatriots.

"Sooner or later we would see this because of so many problems in our country … it's sad to see … all these people like this because no one wanted to leave his country, but unfortunately he There are politicians who take care of everything, "he says, sitting down and observing the crowded park.

Exhausted, the luckiest of the displaced extended, such as a bed, pieces of cardboard or worn plastic bags, but most were willing to sleep directly on the floor.

  Agence France-Presse
Agence France-Presse

Opening the border

With the carav Hundreds of migrants remained on the border bridge in Ciudad Hidalgo, in the state of Chiapas, waiting for the Mexican government to let them through, which finally happened on Monday.

They were allowed to pbad "because the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mexican) recommended not to continue to stay open and weather the weather," told AFP Gerardo Garcia, member of the Commission on Migration.

Guatemalan NGOs estimated that the group of migrants remained until Monday on the bridge Some 400 people were trained. Those who had to face the closing of the borders decided Friday by Mexico chose to wait and not to cross the powerful Suchiate river by swimming or precarious raft.

Another 700 people had legally entered the same pbadage between Guatemala. and in Mexico from Friday, according to official data, and would stay in government shelters in Chiapas awaiting treatment or a visa.

Meanwhile, the Honduran government or declared that two of its citizens died participating in the caravan on a Saturday in Guatemala and the other Monday in Tapachula, Mexico.

Trump and Peña Nieto warn

Early Monday, Trump wrote on Twitter: "Vamos to start reducing, or substantially reducing, the huge amount of outside help we usually bring them ", addressing Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

The President also regretted that Mexico has not been able to stem the advance of migrants. and put border patrols and military on alert to this "national emergency".

"We are going to start reducing, if not greatly reducing, the huge amount of foreign aid we usually give them"

– Donald Trump [19659022] "It seems that the police and the Mexican army is unable to stop the caravan heading for the US border south.Unidentified criminals and people from the Middle East are mixed up, "said Trump.

Later, the outgoing President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, warned that those who would choose to stay in the caravan "will hardly be able to achieve their goal, whether to enter the United States or stay in Mexico." [19659002] In recent times, US aid to the northern region of Central America has already been reduced.

According to the Washington Office for Latin America (WOLA), support in Honduras increased from $ 209.2 million to $ 181.7 million between 2016 and 2017, still relevant for the small country whose national budget is less than $ 10 billion.

"For us, it's an Exodus, it's not an event that has a beginning or an end … other people come," said Rubén Aguilar, a member of the Movement Mesoamerican migrants, before leaving Tapachula.

They say that it is urgent to get out of the criminal violence and high indices of poverty in Honduras.

That is why, despite the threats of Trump, or even to the denunciation of the civil organizations that held the Mexican government responsible Monday "Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatments" against migrants, a second caravan of nearly a thousand Hondurans began crossing Sunday from Guatemala.

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