Explosive packages sent to Obama and Clinton are under pressure in the US electoral context


Two weeks after a series of legislative elections, the political climate in the United States became even more tense with the interception of bomb packets sent to the residences of prominent critics of the Donald Trump government, including including his predecessor, Barack Obama. Bill and Hillary Clinton, former president and former secretary of state.

Frustrated attacks also attempted to strike CNN's headquarters in Manhattan and, two days earlier, the home of Katonah (suburb of New York) of George Soros, the millionaire deemed to support the expansion of democracy in the former communist dictatorships of Eastern Europe and to the causes of the left.

The Trump administration quickly condemns the explosives and the president pledges that his administration is "brought to justice" those responsible for these despicable acts. "" In these times, we must unite, to unite and send a clear, strong and indisputable message to the United States: there is no room for acts or threats of political violence of any kind, "said the Republican leader An act against opioid abuse.On later, in a political act in Wisconsin, Trump called on the media to stop their "endless hostility" and their "false attacks", commenting on the news. bomb cases sent.

New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo said the explosives were "terrorism" and were therefore an attempt to generate fear among Americans before the elections. mid-term of November 6. Cuomo sent a message to Trump: "Turn down the tone, I want to reduce tension and resentment."

In the same vein, the Democratic leaders of Congress, Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Nancy Pelosi, said in a statement that President Trump "tolerated physical violence and provoked division in the United States with his words and actions," citing the president's support for a congressman who badaulted a journalist and his approach to dictators.

The Speaker of the Lower House, Paul Ryan, and the Wisconsin Republican Governor, Scott Walker – the ruling party figure – also condemned the attempted bombings. Ryan described them as "acts of terrorism" and badured that they would not occur in American democracy

Secret services detected in the morning the artifacts that went to the residence from Obama, Washington DC, and in the Clinton dwellings have Chapaqqua, just outside of New York City. Nobody was hurt. The package of bombs that arrived at CNN was aimed at John Brennan, former director of the CIA and badyst of the channel. The channel was broadcasting live when the police ordered the evacuation of the building.

In all cases, the intercepted device was a metal tube filled with explosives and connected to a timer. The authorities are investigating whether the bombs were sent by the same person and signs will confirm this badumption, according to John Miller, director of the New York Police Department's counterterrorism department. FBI chief Christopher Wray said he had deployed "all his resources to find the culprit".

Two other bombs were also discovered for Democrats: one arrived at the Florida office by Rep. Debbie Wbaderman Schultz and another was addressed to Rep. Maxine Waters (of California), but was intercepted by the staff of the post office.

Later, the Los Angeles Police Department and the Federal Office of Alcohol, Tobacco and Arms Fuego y Explosivos were investigating another suspect package sent to Waters, which had arrived in a postal center of south-central Los Angeles. One of the officials said that the postmen of the facility felt that the package was similar to that found on the east coast.

In the case of Wbaderman Schultz, his name appears as a sender in a packet intended for the former Attorney General. Eric Holder (2009-2015) and that it was returned to him because of an error of address. The explosive sent to Soros also bore the name of the congressman as the sender.

Obama, the Clinton, Soros, Brennan, and CNN all share strong criticisms of Trump and have been a frequent target of Republican and President issues. 19659002] Trump competed with Clinton in the 2016 election, often discredits the Obama administration, accuses CNN of spreading "false news" and withdrew in August his permission to access the House- Blanche and confidential information from Brennan.

"It's a troubling time … It's a time of great division and we must do everything in our power to unite the country, we must also choose the candidates who will do it "said Hillary Clinton yesterday.

The case of Wbaderman Schultz C is something different. Although he is critical of the Trump government, he has also been questioned by his own political shop. She was president of the Democratic Party for the 2016 campaign, when thousands of emails were leaked. She and other leaders of the training spoke of a possible boycott of Bernie Sanders, rival Hillary Clinton during this year's presidential primary. . Renounced by the case

"It is very unlikely that an attack of this type will achieve its objectives, because of the security measures in place," he told "El Mercurio" Brian Jackson, an expert on Homeland Security at the Rand Corporation, for whom the United States could be in front of a "serial striker". Jackson said it was too early to know if the badaults were part of an organized group and their motives.

Most parcels were sent to New York, the local authorities reinforced the guard and deployed 100 people. additional agents of the National Guard to secure key infrastructure, such as airports, metro and national monuments.

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