Revealing a new test to detect tuberculosis in children


About 650 children die every day from this disease

Scientists have revealed a new revolutionary test to detect TB in children, which would prevent the death of hundreds of thousands of children. because of this infectious disease, the deadliest on the planet.

A multinational team of the KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation in The Hague has developed a simple method for badyzing samples taken from children under five years of age. 19659004] About 240,000 children die of tuberculosis each year. If the disease is diagnosed early and treated, it can be cured and it is not very deadly in children.

90% of tuberculosis deaths are attributable to untreated cases.

The current test is based on the patient providing a sample of mucus from the lower trachea. The sample is then badyzed by a special machine which then gives a result.

But as children under five do not expel phlegm, doctors should ask to extract sticky mucus an invasive and painful procedure that requires permanence. patient's hospital night.

Researchers have discovered in Indonesia and Ethiopia a method of badyzing the sample in the same way, without the need to transfer it to a large hospital.

"The potential of this method is enormous and means that we have a method to diagnose tuberculosis at a low level of health care that can be applied to hundreds of thousands of people" said Kitty van Weezenbeek, executive director of the KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation. developed the method.

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