The error of the new iPhones that makes you more beautiful


The new iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max pose a curious problem. The selfies taken with these devices seem very smooth, as if it were a "beauty mode".

Apple cameras have always been characterized by the display of the most accurate results and results closest to reality. This is why users did not like this problem.

Apple told Business Insider that the smoothing effect occurred with the new "Smart HDR" feature designed to smooth out shadows and flatten the lights. several photographs from a combination of parameters. However, there is no way to disable the unexpected "beauty mode".

Users have already started calling this the "beauty portal" . Although some appreciate the opportunity to see each other better, they reject the fact that there is no possibility to disable it.

This is an example that a user of the team posted on a forum.

The iPhone XS applies a smoothing / beauty filter on the front camera without informing you of it and there is no way to disable it. This is not acceptable.

One of the first users to report the problem, wrote directly to Apple and received an unexpected response: "I sent an e-mail to the CEO of D & C. # 39; Apple about my dissatisfaction with the post-processing of the front camera of my iPhone XS and they found my number and they called me.They are working to fix it, c & # 39; Is a lot of fun. "

I emailed the Apple CEO to tell him that he was not happy with the post-processing. on my camera before iPhone XS and they found my number and called me about it LMAO. they work to solve this hilarious problem

– ghouley duley (@Advil) on September 27, 2018

Meanwhile, youtuber Lewis Hilsenteger of "Unbox Therapy" has writes: "My face looks like makeup."

On, we did a test comparing a selfie taken with Iphone XS (right) and another with a previous model.

Apple's Answer

In the middle of the controversy, Apple says that the "beauty filter" is a software problem and that it will be resolved soon in iOS 12.1.

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