Fighting Pittsburgh: What do we know of the attack on a synagogue in the United States that left 11 dead?


An armed man entered a synagogue in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA) on Saturday and opened fire, killing 11 people

Four officers and two badistants from the congregation Tree of Life – so s & # 39; called the synagogue attacked – were injured.

The suspect who committed the attack was identified as Robert Bowers, age 46 . He has been described as a white man.

This is what we know so far from the shooting, which has been described by the Anti-Defamation League as " the deadliest against the Jewish community in history United States. "

What's going on?

Emergency services arrive at the scene around 10 am local time (1400 GMT), during Brit Mila (Jewish Baptism) from a baby

Two Officers, among the first to have responded, were injured during a first confrontation with the shooter.

Two other members of the SWAT team were injured inside the building before arresting the reporter. The attacker

The four men are injured but are stable, said the authorities

A 61-year-old woman and a 70-year-old man also benefit from medical treatment. The man had gunshot wounded and was in critical condition.


The attacker is currently in custody.

"Wendell Hissrich, Public Security Director of Pittsburgh, told reporters." One of the worst I have seen, "he said.

The suspect

According to his website, the Tree of Life synagogue was created more than 150 years ago.

It is located in the Squirrel Hill area. , at the east end of Pittsburgh, and to a large Jewish community that dates back to 1920.

The President of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, Jeff Finkelstein, explained to According to reporters, up to 50 or 60 people meet regularly on Saturday morning, especially important day for Jews (Shabbat)

the suspect is identified as Robert Bowers.

The FBI's special agent, Bob Jones, told Bowers that there was no evidence that he was an individual known to authorities before Saturday's events.

Bowers published antisemitic content in the Gab social network with the user name "onedingo".

The biography of your account – now suspended – launches various attacks against Jews

On the same Saturday morning, he used this social network to attack the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) refugee aid group and declared that he could not "sit down and see how they kill my people."


"I will write their views, Donald Trump and the community Jewish

"Trump is a globalist and not a nationalist," he wrote. "There is no #MAGA while there is an infestation of Jews . "

MAGA means the slogan of the Trump campaign: Make America Great Again.

In another post, he said:" For the record: I did not vote for him (Trump ) I have not had, nor used, nor even touched a hat that says MAGA. "

After the shooting, the state of New York deployed police to protect synagogues in that city.

Hate Speech [19659006] Gab is a social network created in August 2016 as an alternative to Twitter

Its founder, Andrew Torba, told the Buzzfeed News website that his intention was to create an alternative to the "monopoly of large left-wing social organizations." "

Critics say that it is a space for hate speech and that it was forbidden to use traditional social networks.


However , Torba pointed out that the site was not for any particular group or political group.

Site guidelines establish that its mission is to "place people and freedom of expression first ", although incitement to violence, illegal badgraphy and publication are prohibited." confidential information about users.

After the attack on the synagogue, the website issued a statement condemning the & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Attack

"Gab disapproves and unequivocally condemns all acts of terrorism and violence ", give the statement. "This has always been our policy."

The network states to have quickly backed up, suspended, and contacted the FBI to provide this information.

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