Triumph of Jair Bolsonaro: 5 controversial projects of the elected President of Brazil


The forecasts were fulfilled: Jair Bolsonaro is the new elected president of Brazil.

He will not take office until January 1, but it will be at this time that Brazil will leave behind 13 years of leftist politics of the Workers Party. first by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and after that of Dilma Rousseff and two years of provisional government under the responsibility of Michel Temer after the dismissal of Rousseff.

When Bolsonaro takes office, it will be time to implement the reforms and proposals that he promised during the campaign in his government plan.

At the BBC Mundo, we highlight five of the most controversial projects that Bolsonaro had promised to achieve when he became president.

1. Less Limits on Possession of Weapons

The Social Liberal Party (PSL) led by the President-elect of Brazil proposes to reformulate the Statute of Disarmament that has been approved by previous governments and which limits the wearing of weapons. By the citizens.

In its electoral program, the PSL defends the principle that weapons "are instruments, inert objects that can be used to kill or save lives", who manipulates them and who can help to reduce Homicides .

That is why Bolsonaro defends, in his program but also at his campaign rallies and several interviews, that every citizen must have the right to own a weapon and exercise his right of "defense legitimate ". [19659007] 2. License to Murder

An electoral promise of Bolsonaro is to give the police a faculty allowing it to be "protected as part of its professional activity" by the judicial system through 39, a kind of immunity.

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Thus, explains BBC Brazil, if an agent during a police operation commits a crime, this one will not be punishable because the person in charge will have committed it in the exercise of its professional activity.

"We must guarantee and recognize that the life of a police officer is very valuable," reads the government's program of proposals.

3. End "indoctrination" in schools

He wants to do it with a return to the past. More precisely at the time of the military dictatorship . It was at this time that the disciplines proposed by the PSL existed in the fields of social organization, Brazilian politics, politics and civic education.

By these two means, defends Bolsonaro, wants to end "indoctrination" and "early badualization". In the clbadrooms.

In addition, military academies, if the promise is held, will be given an important role. In his election platform, he promises that "in two years (after his accession to the presidency), there will be a military school in the capital of each state."


You also want to reduce the number of places by facilities and promote distance education in rural areas, including basic education for "fight Marxism and reducing costs ".

4. Occupation, Terrorism

In his electoral program, Bolsonaro also wishes to expand crimes qualified as terrorism by adding invasions to private property, both rural and urban. 39; urban.

. for example, persons occupying uninhabited residences or buildings, called "landless persons" in Brazil, would be treated in the same manner as terrorists and would be punishable by up to a maximum of to 30 years in prison. prison the largest that exists in the Brazilian penal code.

5. More land grants to indigenous people

"Not more than one millimeter of indigenous land," says his program, a move that justified fears that these territories would become "independent countries in Brazil".

not only does it not plan to grant more territories, but it can also review and revoke up to 129 already approved by previous administrations. they are all in his government plan.

During the migratory crisis on the border between Brazil and Venezuela last August, he proposed creating refugee camps for Venezuelans .

"Brazil can not be a country of open borders ", justified his project at the same time as he stated that the current law on immigration should be repealed .


The chemical castration of rapists to "fight against the growth of the number of rapes and gender inequalities in Brazil," he said during a debate last August.

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