More than a thousand people attended a race organized by the PDI


E n
a city where the rate of obesity is increasing alarmingly,
Initiatives that promote a healthy lifestyle are welcome at a time
authorities and the community in general.

the same, the race organized by the investigative police
caused the very early presence of nearly a thousand people in the avenue
Costanera of the Punta Arenas Strait.

career included five categories of ladies and six men, in a
Travel 2.5 and 5 kilometers. Eleven winners in total, who
celebrated with all the results obtained.

Prefect Inspector of the PDI, Rubén Castillo, Chief of the Region
Police Magallanes, said that "our institution was 85 years old
years of work in a criminal investigation serving the community
and we wanted to celebrate this anniversary with a sporting event and
link with citizenship. "

of the race, the local traffic was cut between 8:30 and 12:30
between Independencia Avenue and Manantiales Street, near the
The Costanera.


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