Enami will diversify its productive portfolio with an agreement for the development of Lithium signed with a US company



In order to identify the possibilities of extraction and exploitation of lithium brine with the possibility of producing, in the medium term, 99.5% of hydroxide of lithium and lithium carbonate, the national mining company – ENAMI has finalized an agreement for the application of the technology of the American company Sorcia Minerals LLC, a company focused on industrialization lithium and the development of value-added products derived from this mineral and produced in factories for the benefit of last generation and with minimal impact on the environment.

Thus, through the intermediary of its subsidiary Ensorcia Chile SpA, the two companies have defined methods of collaboration to promote the nonmetallic mining sector from a technological point of view. and especially that of lithium, favoring the development of other by-products.

With this agreement, ENAMI wanted to strengthen its natural conditions to participate in the lithium trade, as a relevant player in the national mining sector. Objective that the State has proposed in its strategic axes, by setting among its main management orientations, the creation and sustainable capture of new mineral wealth, by diversifying its productive portfolio, by identifying the business opportunities in the country and in transforming metallic metallic minerals "This agreement represents for us a great opportunity for our factories and our own experts to link with the development perspectives represented by the open technological breakthroughs for lithium, in order to improve the competitive position of our country in the non-metallic mining industry, "says the executive vice president of ENAMI, André Sougarret, pointing out that this contract confirmed the technical, economic and commercial knowledge of the company for the realization of projects of this scale.

In this regard, Daniel Layton, president of Sorcia Minerals, underlines the opportunity offered by this alliance to generate a value chain going beyond the extraction of the resource. "We are very pleased to have reached a full agreement for the development of the lithium industry in Chile with the National Mining Company, the latter being the engine of the mining industry on a smaller scale at Chile in the last fifty years. "

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