The Argentine stock market adds profits comparable to those of Brazil; Bovespa wins 3.7%


BUENOS AIRES.- The Argentine Stock Exchange, closed with gains in currency and equities, while sovereign bonds declined slightly after the slight rate cut by the bank Central (BCRA) in its offer for the letters "Leliq".

The market still has the impetus of the congressional half-sanction on the draft budget 2019, as well as the approval of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the "suspension" of 56 1,300 millions of dollars and the triumph of Jair Bolsonaro to the presidency of neighboring Brazil.

The BCRA placed Tuesday at 7 days 109 billion pesos (about 2 billion 970 million dollars) of letters of liquidity "Leliq", with an average yield of 70,048% per annum, indicated the operators.

The weight of wholesalers rose by 0.49% to 36.72 / 3, 74 per dollar, against an opening of about 37.15 units. At the end of the year, the trend was up.

On the other hand, the local currency, in a reduced marginal band, recovered from 1.39%, to 35.75 / 36 units, a maximum level in two months.

While the Merval index of Buenos Aires finished up 1.95%, out of the 29,000 units 460,36, with shares of the energetic and financial papers topping the gains and in agreement with Bovespa from Brazil.

The main index of Brazilian shares finished the day up 3.7%, thanks to the shares of Telefonica Brasil, which led the gain after recording a sharp rise in earnings in the third quarter.

The Bovespa index was at 86,000 885.71 units after falling in the previous session to 83,000 796.71 units.

The market received a boost from the shares of Telefónica Brasil, which 14.36% soared after the company announced a 160% increase in its third-quarter net profit to 3,177 million reais.
they advanced after announcing a sharp increase in their profits in the third quarter.

The shares of Banco Itaú Unibanco also rose by 2.9%, which made it possible to avoid the losses suffered at the beginning of the session, while the result of the third quarter showed losses. an increase in administrative expenses and a decrease in revenues.

Petrobras rose by 3.84%, followed by Petroleo Brasileiro (5.5%) and Embraer (4.8%)

. President-elect Jair Bolsonaro on a pension reform and waiting for a vote on a bill.

The Brazilian market fell on Monday to 2.24%, after reaching an intra-day record at the beginning of the session, by profit taking. investors awaiting definitions of the government of the elected president, Jair Bolsonaro, and driven by the sharp decline of Wall Street.

Bolsonaro, right-wing ex officio and retired captain of the army, he won 55.2% of the votes in the second round on Sunday, against 44.8% of his leftist rival, Fernando Haddad.

Strategists of XP Investimentos estimated that the Bovespa could reach 100,000 points by the end of the year and that the real would strengthen between 3.50 and 3.70 per dollar. "For this movement to materialize, the reforms are crucial (…) If they materialize in 2019, the stock index could reach 125,000 points," said badysts.

On the foreign exchange market, the real The Brazilian rose by 0.05% against the dollar, to 3.6976. The chief economic adviser of Brazil's President-elect, Jair Bolsonaro, has

Earlier in the day, local newspaper Valor Economico reported that Paulo Guedes, 24, announced Tuesday that he would only sell his currency reserves in case of a speculative attack that would bring its currency to about 5 units per dollar. future Minister of Economy in the government of Bolsonaro, proposed to reduce the nation's foreign exchange reserves to pay the public debt.

Guedes believes that Brazil has an excessive buffer of liquidity, I quote an unidentified source from the newspaper that collaborated in drafting the right-wing legislator's government program.

With information from Reuters and Bloomberg.

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