We tested the Facetime group in iOS 12.1: here's how video calls work


  Group FaceTime

You can make video calls up to 32 people, although many of my friends were busy when I tried Facetime for the first time.

César Salza / CNET

Group video calls of 32 people arrive on iPhone phones compatible with iOS 12.1. Apple released the update on October 30, the day in which it also introduced its new iPad Pro MacBook Air Mac mini and Apple Pencil . At CNET en Español, we have tested them and we give you our first impressions.


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The first thing to know is that only the iPhone having obtained the update iOS 12.1 will be able to join a group video call. One positive aspect about Apple is that users usually have quick access to the new version of the operating system, so your friends will be available during this first week.

In our tests, all our friends had not downloaded iOS 12.1, but we tested the operation of group video calls. Until now, only two people could have a FaceTime video call, we could call five friends at the same time and we discovered several interesting things.

Video Call Group Information

Here are some new features I discovered during my first participation. Group Video Call:

  • In a Facetime group video call, anyone can add more friends to the conversation
  • The bubbles or bubbles of each person get bigger when they talk. If several people are talking at the same time, you will see that each bubble slightly increases in size and deflates quickly.
  • If you select your bubble, you can place your Memoji, an Animoji, use color filters, place sentences or display panels and more generally Facetime Options.

You can also make group video calls through the Messages application.

Erica Argueta / CNET

Group video call via Messages

Another innovation of iOS 12.1 is the ability to make group video calls via the Messaging application. If you are still talking to a group of friends and want to call them through audio or video, you can now do it by quoting them all at the same time, and not one by one via Facetime.

This is interesting because at the beginning of the video call, they are they receive a call message, and to join the group when they are available, they simply have to click on that message. They can join and leave at any time, as long as the video call is active.

I did not have 32 friends available to participate in the video call, but you may be able to gather a lot of your acquaintances and fully test this feature. If you succeed, leave us a comment and tell us your experience. Can we really understand 32 people in a video call?

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