Learn more about 4 methods of preventing cervical cancer, based on your age


According to the latest report of Globocan the International Agency for Research on Cancer, it is estimated that in 2018 4,110 new cases of cervical cancer will be diagnosed and that 1,836 women will die as a result of the disease, which can be completely prevented through annual examinations and vaccination.

This summarizes the fact that, at the national level, cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among Peruvian women and the second cause in Lima. . Therefore, the League Against Cancer teaches you the methods and controls to be performed at each stage of your life.

From 9 years

1. Vaccine to prevent cancer of the cervix of the uterus

This is the method safest, most effective and most protective to prevent cancer of the cervix of the uterus. It is expected to benefit more than 253,914,000 girls nationally in primary and primary public and primary schools across the country, with more than 400,000 free vaccines to be applied in 2 doses in educational centers or health centers.

For girls to have access to the 2 doses of the vaccine, they must have their parents sign the consent. This document guarantees the approval of the parents so that the girl can be vaccinated. Women aged 15 to 45 must apply 3 doses. The second dose after 2 months of the first and third doses applied after 4 months of the second dose was applied.

Since the beginning of badual activity

2. Papanicolaou

This is a test that can help detect and prevent cervical cancer, which needs to be done at least once a year because the woman starts the Sexual activity. During the procedure, samples of cervical and cervical cbad cells are taken to the laboratory for study. The Pap smear test is an effective way to detect cancer at an early stage, when it is easier to treat.

From 30 years to older

3 Acetic Acid Inspection (VIA)

The IVAA allows you to 39; observe at the naked eye, after the application of acetic acid and after about a minute, changes in the cervix of the uterus, which determine the presence or l & # 39; 39, absence of a precancerous lesion in said organ, which helps identify the disease at an early stage. This type of examination can be performed after 30 years.

4. HPV Test

The test (HPV) detects the presence of human papilloma virus, a virus that can cause the development of bad warts, abnormal cervical cells or uterine cervix cancer.

recommends the HPV test if:

• The Pap test showed an abnormal result with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance.
• If you are over 30 years old. The HPV test is reserved for women. there is still no HPV test to detect the virus in men.

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