Even more sparks: Carrió prevented the promotion of a judge proposed by Macri | Politics


  More sparks: Carrió prevented the promotion of a judge proposed by Macri

More sparks: Carrió prevented the promotion of a judge proposed by Macri

Without to make statements this time, Elisa Carrió again obstructed the plans of Mauricio Macri . This time, the point of contention was the appointment of a judge of Santiago del Estero.

Among the documents that came to the National Senate Agreements Committee was the President of the Superior Court. from Santiago del Estero, Sebastián Argibay who aspired to be appointed federal judge of first instance in that province.

However, despite the endorsement of the first president, his promotion was hindered because, by virtue of the challenge launched by none other than his ally Carrió, did not obtain the necessary votes to be finalized.

The Argibay sheet was challenged a few days ago by the head of the Civic Coalition, who held that the magistrate " in no way guarantees the independence of the federal judiciary in the province where he will occupy "the post for which he has been proposed.

According to the legislator, in 2013, the president of the tribunal Argibay authorized the re-election of the governor of Santiago del Estero, Gerardo Zamora before a presentation of the president despite the fact that the local Constitution prevented him from renew his position.

But that's not all. In addition, Carrió said in his protest that "Argibay was" accused of having held for concealment and involvement in the drug trafficking network of Santiago del Estero ".

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