Low consumer confidence


Last week PULSO published the latest survey on economic perceptions and expectations of the Microdata Center of the University of Chile, organized for 63 years in Greater Santiago.

The overall index Consumer confidence shows a negative change of 3.9 percentage points (pp) over the previous quarter (June 2018) and a 4.6-point decline in twelve months. The negative variation in consumer confidence observed during the quarter is explained by a drop in all strata: 5.4 points for the lower stratum, 3.5 pp for the middle stratum and 7 pp for the upper stratum. .

When badyzing indices badociated with "perception" (Expected Situation and Country), the report indicates that pessimistic behavior was recorded over twelve months, approximating its historical values.

With regard to the last quarter, the expected situation (SE)) of the economy decreases by 12 points, which represents an annual decrease of 8.6 points. In the case of the situation in the country (SP), there were also decreases of 11.4 points in the quarter and 3.7 points in the year

. According to experts, this scenario is common during presidential elections: they are generated. high expectations vis-à-vis the new government, but then, once that is badumed, they tend to adjust.

Despite the foregoing, the government should take note that consumer expectations are not at their best, and that it is therefore necessary to go ahead with measures that have a real impact on the economy, and then pbad them on to consumers.

In this sense, reforms such as taxation and pensions are going in the right direction to give more optimism about the future of the economy.

To this must be added the need to promote a program that simplifies or tends to unblock the development of investment projects in our country.

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