If you have photos on Flickr, download them before deleting them.


Flickr has changed hands and that means that there are new rules. It's time to save all the photos you thought were still there

Smickr acquired Flickr in April and the changes were inevitable. On February 5, 2019, the company will carry out a mbadive purge of old photos. SmugMug announced that free accounts would be limited to a total of 1,000 photos for users to consider migrating to the Flickr Pro Enhanced Service, which costs $ 50 per year. If you have 10 million photos of your university time in the Flickr account that you left about four years ago, try to remember the pbadword. On January 8, 2019, users of free accounts containing more than 1,000 photos or videos will no longer be able to download new photos. On February 5, the company will begin actively deleting these photos, starting with the oldest until the account is below the limit.

Social networks like Facebook offer free storage, Instagram offers a better way to share and Cloud storage providers like Apple offer more affordable options. Flickr no longer fulfills a clear goal. In its press release, the company writes:

Unfortunately, "free" services are rarely really free for users. Users pay with their data or with their time. We prefer a more transparent agreement.

From the beginning, Flickr is a collective creation project. Without you, our community, we would be just an empty photo frame, nothing more than a template and a web address. We need the help of the community for Flickr to become a sustainable and prosperous community again.

In other words, Flickr knows she is in a difficult situation and hopes to appeal to the nature of her users. The message is this: we are not an unwanted company like Facebook. Paid customers benefit from an ad-free experience, unlimited downloads of full-resolution photos, an increase in the number of videos from three to ten minutes, and numerous discounts from partners such as Adobe . Oh, and the requirement to have a Yahoo email is now as dead as Yahoo.

If everything seems fine, you can get a 30% discount for the annual subscription until November 30th. Otherwise, make a backup.


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