HEALTH – How to react in time to a stroke?


After suffering a stroke, the brain loses 1.9 million neurons per minute. Recognizing the symptoms and acting on time can save a person's life.

Tomorrow will mark the World Day of Cerebrovascular Attack (CVA), a date that invites you to know and badess the situation in Colombia facing the disease, estimated to be the third leading cause of death and the leading cause of death. disability each year in Colombia. According to DANE figures in the first half of the year, 7429 people died from a stroke, equivalent to 6.7% of the total number of deaths recorded in the country , making it the second most deadly disease after the problems. ischemic to the heart.

According to some scholars, the mortality figure due to this pathology is due to both the ignorance of the citizen about the symptoms of the disease and the little rapid action. As a result, patients do not report to a level 3 or 4 clinical facility within 4.5 hours of onset of symptoms.

As a result of the above, it should be noted that each year about 45,000 new cases are reported nationally and that a significant percentage is not identified and treated on time, which is why causes serious consequences such as partial or complete disability, or even death.

What is a cerebrovascular accident?

A stroke occurs when the blood supply of a part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, which prevents brain tissue from receiving oxygen and nutrients. In a few minutes, brain neurons begin to die.

A stroke is a medical emergency. Immediate treatment is essential. Early action can minimize brain damage and the possibility of complications. The good news is that stroke can be treated and prevented.


Health Secretary, Olga Lucia Hoyos, announced the importance of recognizing the symptoms in a person likely to suffer from a stroke, which can be identified in 4 stages :


Step 1 Face

Tell the person to smile. If one side of your face or your mouth is lowered, it is a sign of "heart attack" or "stroke" (also called vascular cerebral injury, ACV)

Step 2 Weapons

Say – to lift both arms. If an arm falls slowly or has trouble lifting it, that's another sign of stroke

Step 3 – Conversation

Tell him to repeat his full name. If you talk strangely or if you drag the voice, that's another sign of stroke

Step 4: Time

If the person has any of these signs or all signs, take her immediately to a health center or call the emergency number.

Many factors can increase the risk of having a stroke. In addition, they can increase the likelihood of having a heart attack. The risk factors for CVA are as follows:

Risk factors that can not be changed

– Your age. The risk of stroke increases with age.

-Your bad. Men have a higher risk of heart disease than women, except in older adults.

– Your genes and your race If your parents had a stroke, you are at higher risk. African Americans, Mexicans, Native Americans, Hawaiians and some Asian Americans are also at higher risk.

– Diseases such as cancer, chronic renal failure and certain types of arthritis

– Weak areas in an arterial wall or abnormal arteries and veins.

-Pregnancy. Both during pregnancy and in the weeks immediately following delivery.

Modifiable Risk Factors

– No smoking.

– Control cholesterol through a diet, exercise and medication, if necessary.

– Control high blood pressure through diet, exercise and medications, if necessary.

– Control diabetes through diet, take medication for exercise, if necessary.

– Do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

– Keep a healthy weight. Eat healthy foods, eat less and participate in a weight loss program if you need to lose weight.

– Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Women should not drink more than one drink a day and men should not drink more than two.

-Do not use cocaine or other drugs for recreational purposes.

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