Spain: The novelty of Ikea with which he tries to conquer the Internet sales market


This is how the brand wants to win more customers.

Internet sales are gaining popularity. This is not a secret for almost everyone. All companies, to a greater or lesser extent, are trying to design plans to adapt to digital stores. And in this Ikea came in. The Swedish furniture giant has long accepted the criticism of its customers, as it is often expensive to ask for furniture to be brought home. This is why the leaders of the multinational have decided to take action, at least in part, and have adapted the costs of distribution and distribution.

Up to now, it did not matter what they brought you home. "For an order of 60 euros, they charge you 49 to bring it home," he complains there is a little user through social networks. Attentive to this demand (and in particular to competition from platforms such as Amazon or oriental stores selling known pages on the Internet), Ikea has taken measures in this area and allowed the creation of 39, a new parcel service. for online shopping of accessories and small furniture at two different prices.

For purchases of less than 5 kilos (a pack of accessories and a little more), five euros are charged for shipping costs when buying these 5 kilos. and 20 (you have room to include medium sized furniture with no overweight in the package), the price is 9 euros. But how do I know if what I'm asking weighs or measures what you need to weigh and measure to get into this new service? Ikea ensures that all data is indicated in the characteristics of the products sold on the Internet. The delivery time varies between 3 and 5 working days.

In addition to these services, Ikea has another higher cost and the one known up to now is what is called "from the store to your portal". In fact, they all aim to gain ground in digital commerce, in which other major brands run by supermarkets such as Lidl or Mercadona have been introduced more or less, gradually adapting their websites to meet new business needs. an increasingly globalized market. However, many take this step without wanting to lose their presence in their physical stores.

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