AES Gener and Minera Candelaria signed a contract for the supply of renewable energy



AES Gener and the Candelaria Mine Complex, controlled by the Canadian Lundin Mining Corporation, have signed a long-term renewable energy supply agreement.

The new contract, worth 1,100 GWh / year, will be provided by AES Gener with renewable energies and conditions agreed until 18 years from 2023. The contract allows for the supply of electricity. Minera Candelaria's long-term renewable energy, while reducing costs and enabling the ongoing optimization of its operations.

AES General Managing Director, Ricardo Manuel Falú, said that this contract was an important step in the implementation of the company's new strategy, which aimed to prolong long-term relationships with its customers. trading partners and to make Chile's electricity supply more green and more sustainable. 19659003] "The agreement with Minera Candelaria fits into the new business solution of Green Blend and Extend (Blextend) of AES Gene r, which extends the existing contractual and commercial relations with our trading partners on the basis of a fully renewable and competitive electricity supply in line with our mission to improve life by accelerating a more secure and sustainable energy future ", said the General Manager of AES Gener

Falú adds that the contract also states that AES Gener will work with Minera Candelaria in optimizing the consumption of electricity works, energy efficiency, energy storage, electromobility, self-generation and relief projects.

Phillip Brumit, President of Minera Candelaria, said, "This strategic alliance with AES Gener is very relevant to the future of our operations, which ensures the provision of a vital input for our process. of production, with a marked footprint on sustainability and innovation.This is another step that will help us fulfill our mission of being a world-clbad mining company that contributes to the development and well-being of our workers, communities, the region of Atacama and Chile. "

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