The Senate asks President Piñera to exhaust the proceedings to restore asylum in Palma Salamanca – National

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The Senate approved almost unanimously a draft agreement asking President Sebastián Piñera to appoint a Chilean ambbadador to France and exhaust all possible arrangements to cancel the political asylum granted to Ricardo Palma Salamanca.

The initiative presented by the Socialist Party and supported by the UDI has received the approval of senators in power and the old new majority. The only abstention was Juan Ignacio Latorre (RD).

In the draft, the president is asked to "designate the Chilean ambbadador to France as soon as possible and exhaust all political, diplomatic and judicial efforts to cancel the decision, restoring respect for the sovereignty and legitimacy of the political and judicial institutions of the Republic of Chile, whose autonomy is brought to trial by the decision in question ", according to the slogan Emol.

  Government of the French Chancellery of Palma Salamanca: