Financial operators predict that the Central Bank will raise the interest rate to 3% in January


The Central Bank would continue to remove monetary stimulus and raise the interest rate by 25 points to 3% in January, after making its first increase since December 2015 last month, according to the report. Financial Operators survey released Thursday by the issuing institute.

The survey also predicts that the entity will maintain the monetary policy rate (MPR) at 2.75% at its December meeting, although 16 of the 63 badysts surveyed believe this estimate.

Operators expect the TPM to be 3.25% in May 2019, 3.5% in December this year and 4% in December 2020. Previously, they expected the TPM to be Interest rate rises to 3% in March next year, but they also predict that it will reach 3.75% in May.

According to the survey, inflation would record an increase of 0.1% in November and would reach 3% per year over a horizon of 12 months and in 24 months.

At its October meeting, the central bank's board decided, unanimously, to raise the interest rate by 25 points to 2.75%, representing his first rise of 3 years.

The agency thus ended the cycle of expansion that began in January 2017 by reducing the MPR for the first time in more than two years. During this month, it rose from 3.5% to 3.25%, then to 3% in March, to 2.75% in April and to 2.5% in May of the same year. [19659007]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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