The multiband policy and emergency alert will be reactivated as of November 10



In June 2018, there were more than 23 million mobile phones, a figure higher than the country's population. In addition, statistics reveal that 85% of Internet access is mobile. Of the total mobile access, 93.1% correspond to browsing on smartphones, and these already account for 78.8% of total Internet access, according to the figures of Subtel.

Given the mbadive use of mobile phones, it is important that users clearly understand the features of their phone, especially the bands in which they can operate. That is why, from November 10, 2018, the Multiband / SAE settlement will be relaunched. It states that all mobile phones marketed in the country from that time must be subject to a probate process and must be able to receive the messages of the Emergency Alert System (EWS) issued by Onemi in case of occurrence of a phenomenon that may involve risks to the population.

This public policy addresses two relevant issues. The first is the safety of people, because by requiring the mandatory incorporation of technology into mobile phones to receive the messages of the Emergency Alert System (SAE), lives are saved in the face of the potential occurrence of a phenomenon that could threaten people, receiving an alert, a sound and vibration difficult to ignore, as well as accurate information and clear instructions.

Second, with the multiband standard, the compatibility of the equipment with the various technologies available in the country, providing users with clear information about their equipment and the bands in which it will work. In addition, this will facilitate the digital portability process, thus eliminating a significant hurdle, since in many cases users did not know whether their mobile device could operate in the bands in which the company operated which they wanted to wear.

If a user buys equipment that does not bear the seal of the Multibanda / SAE regulation, he can claim directly from SUBTEL or from the National Consumers Service (Sernac), depending on whether he buys it respectively from a mobile phone company or from another distributor.

Purchase of cell phones abroad and tourists

When announcing the scope of this measure, one of the main questions asked users was to to know how this regulation applied to mobile phones acquired abroad, and which were not part of a process of approval.

If the user uses this phone and activates it with a chip from a local company, a message will appear on the screen that will redirect him to this site: where you can choose one of the different certification companies that will allow you to perform this procedure online. In case of non-performance of this procedure, the phone will be registered temporarily for a period of 30 days, by which time the registration must be carried out. If the mobile is not registered, it will be blocked.

In the case of tourists, there are several alternatives. If the mobile phone is used with roaming or Wi-Fi, they should not perform any procedures, which will connect to local networks and / or the Internet. Now, if used with a local SIM card, the user must register their phone in the database. In this case, the phone must be unlocked and compatible with national bands.

Other Devices

The provisions of the Multiband Rule also apply to other devices that connect to mobile networks. In this case, users must remember that, to use the mobile network, they must be registered in the system.

According to the regulations, all devices marketed in the country must already be registered in the system. In the case of those who are bought abroad and enter the country, users must register them in a certification company.

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