They condemn a supermarket that denied toilets access to a three-year-old child – National


© Agencia Uno   They condemn the supermarket that denied access to the toilet to a child of three years

In addition to the fines, the company must pay a millionaire compensation to the family of minor. Tvn


The Antofagasta Court of Appeal sentenced Tottus Mortgages to pay a fine of of 10 UT and of a compensation of one million pesos for the concept of moral injury caused to the father of a minor who refused to use the toilet.

According to the complaint, the complainant, when he went to shop at the Tottus supermarket with his family, his son needed a public toilet from the establishment , he noticed that was closed he asked for the help of the administrator who had the key, but he refused categorically, paying no attention to them. .

 Detach workers who mock the elderly in a video that became viral