Macron throws indirectly Trump, facing him: nationalism whip


  Macron launches an indirect to Trump: the bad nationalism

The French president stressed several times during his speech the need for the world to work together and in unity to eradicate the plagues of the world. 39; humanity.


The French president, Emmanuel Macron today benefits from the presence of more than 70 leaders of the five continents in . ] commemoration of the armistice of the of the First World War to make an allegation of multilateralism as a means of avoiding new conflicts . 19659005] At an unprecedented ceremony by the presence of foreign rulers – including presidents of the United States, Donald Trump and from Russia, Vladimir Putin Macron indicted for nationalism as he often does.

But this time, he did so in opposition to the patriotism that, according to his version, fed the French fighters of the country. World War I, a "Vision of France as a Generous Nation, Carrier of Universal Values."

Patriotism is the complete opposite of nationalism. Nationalism betrays it, "he said.

Macron baderted that" the lesson of the Great War can not be the resentment of one people against another, nor the forgetting of the past ", but rather the unsuccessful efforts of building peace with" the first international cooperation "

That is why he insisted on defending the European Union, born of reconciliation and cooperation between France and Germany, "a freely consensual union, never seen in history, which it frees from civil wars."

The UN is also "the guarantor of a spirit of cooperation for the defense of the common goods of a world whose destiny is inextricably linked. "

Together, we can evoke these threats which are the specter of climate change., poverty, hunger, disease, inequalities and ignorance, we started this fight and we can win it, let's continue because the victory is p ossible, "he said.

The ceremony began with the rise of or Avenue des Champs-Elysees – the last meters on foot – heads of state and government, who left just before the palace of the 39th. Elysee where they were received by French President Emmanuel Macron

There were two notable exceptions: Trump, who did not pbad by the Elysee Palace while spending more than one day in the French capital, and the Russian Vladimir Putin, who landed late this morning in Paris.

When Trump was driving in his armored limousine on the Champs-Élysées Protected by other vehicles, three Femen militants organized a brief incident by jumping the barriers and trying to approach, bare chest, the parade of the American president.

Several officers of the standing security apparatus – about 10,000 people of agents throughout the city – reduced them and extracted the security cordon.

Once the heads of state and government were placed at the rostrum of personalities, with them a fortnight of leaders of international organizations "- Macron paid tribute to the French military units that have lost their lives in the past year.

A military choir then sings the French national anthem "La Marseillaise", then a piece of Bach, "Sarabande", which brought several students to read testimonials written by soldiers from the eight main countries in conflict

These testimonies were followed by the performance of a musical play in memory of hundreds of thousands of soldiers. they fought with France for the colonies that they had then essentially of Africa, then of the speech of Macron which ended with "El Bolero" of Maurice Ravel, a fighter of the Great War.

sequence more solemn, in the monument to the unknown soldier in the center of the Arc de Triomphe. After lighting the flame, the head of the French state laid a wreath of flowers and they all observed a minute of silence.

Once the facts pbaded, the dignitaries – again preceded by the French president – went to the Elysee. Macron offered them a lunch.

Many have coincided this afternoon at the Forum for Peace organized by the French president to promote multilateralism, but not Trump.



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