Felipe Kast after the death of Camilo Catrillanca: Police trusts must be recovered


  Felipe Kast after the death of Camilo Catrillanca: We must recover the confidence of the police

"This question forces us to have a police well prepared in this region, with the level of confrontation that it has, the truth it seems to me that it's ignoring the region ". That's what Senator Evópoli of La Araucanía, Felipe Kast interviewed by Tele13 Radio, said after the death of Mapuche Camilo Catrillanca.

In the same way, the senator explained that "we must now redouble efforts in two dimensions". Kast said that "first to ensure that the investigation and the special prosecutor that he put and that Minister Chadwick asked in this case can do his job in depth to be able also recover the funds of the police ".

He added that "the worst of all worlds, both for the Ministry of the Interior and for President Piñera, is that we return to a situation similar to that of Operation Hurricane, where the citizens did not finally know what to expect from the police. "

Secondly, he said that" instead of giving up, and there are some who have tried to polarize the environment, I believe that we must redouble efforts of dialogue, peace, to be able to increase wealth to political participation with the Mapuche people, and for no reason in any way. give reason to those who believe that the violent way is good, is a very small group that does not represent the people or Mapuche and has clearly done a lot of damage to the region ".

On the alleged messages that the government would send to his team on how to talk about Catrillanca's death, Kast badured that "I have not received any such communication".

"Here is the call Everyone is not content to play witch hunting and try to create a small political advantage.Hope this will be an opportunity to demonstrate that 39, a center-right government plays for human rights. he plays to get things right, he plays them for a thorough investigation, he plays for solidarity with the family who had a very, very painful loss, and at the same time he plays for seek, persecute recourse to violence in a systematic way, "he said.

He also stressed the importance of the Director General of Carabineros, Hermes Soto "effectively requesting that the attachment be always attached to the appropriate procedures, even where it is very difficult to circumstances you face ".

Inquiry Against Home Secretary Andrés Chadwick

The opposition has announced an inquiry against Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick, which will be formalized next week.

In this regard, Kast ruled that "unfortunately, the logic of the little political calculator and opportunism is imposed I think they do a disservice to La Araucanía It is easy since Santiago, since Antofagasta, I have seen Alejandro Guillier and others there opinion with very little information about the tragedy that the police also undergoes. in the face of crossfire, as was the case yesterday. "

In this context, he stated that" this is no justification, I am the first supporter in which we conduct a thorough investigation, while wishing to wear a Political judgment, as the government criticizes, would have wanted this situation to happen, is simply to miss the truth and fall into an opportunism that the only thing to do is to further harm the region. "[19659004] Finally, he explained the work of the Carabinieri unit who works permanently in La Araucanía.

"The truth is that the name Jungle Command does not know who invented it, but obviously not.It's the official name that was, it's simply the Gope's unit that has always been in Pidima, near Ercilla, "he said

adding:" The good news is that the riflemen could act in a timely manner and were able to intercept three stolen vehicles The bad news is that they were received with automatic weapons.Unfortunately, a person lost their life and is the subject of an investigation. "

Listen to the full interview in Podcast of Tele13 Radio.

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