The dark matter hurricane in which lies the milky way


Testing what you do not see has always been a challenge for astrophysicists.

Dark matter is one of the phenomena that has most attracted the attention of the scientific community. And now, we have a unique opportunity to detect it, say the experts.

Dark matter is an invisible entity, but scientists believe that it constitutes a 80% of the universe that surrounds us . The difficulty is to detect it because it does not emit electromagnetic radiation (like light).

Up to now, one can only argue that it is present by the gravitational effect that it has on other elements of visible matter such as the stars, the galaxies or the cosmic background of the universe.

But a dark matter wind in which the Earth is now submerged will give the opportunity to do so through a multitude of experiences that are developing on a global scale.

If all goes well, learn more about what is still a mystery for science.

A storm of dark matter

This storm was detected last year thanks to the telescope Gaia and its data. the postdoctoral researcher Ciran O. Hare of the University of Zaragoza (Spain), in an article published this week in the scientific journal Physical Review.

Our Our Laxia, explains O 'Hare at BBC World, is now in the middle of this current star called called S1 formed by the remnant of a ancient galaxy devoured billions of years ago own milky way and traveling at 500 km / s.

And this may have already happened, but it has never been detected.

"It is as if we are swimming in a sea of ​​dark matter in which there is always a certain wind, but the speed and the trajectory of this current make the movement of dark matter very fast creating what we called a hurricane. "

O. Hare says that can predict how long we will be submerged in this sea, but probably several thousand years, believes the physicist who hopes to" get valuable information on dark matter over the next decade ".

Beyond the theory

in fact, that this huge mbad of a dark matter equivalent to ten billion suns can help scientists to test what previously existed only in the past. in theory thanks to several dark matter detection experiments attempting to make different particles visible up to now. invisible

One of them, and perhaps the most important, is the particle WIMP one of those thought to be fundamental elements of dark matter, but whose interaction is very weak and that is why

With the presence of the hurricane, it is expected that a collision with other atoms will occur which can be detected by the existing technology in laboratories and observatories.

If they do not prove to be WIMPS, explains O. Hare, experiments also attempt to prove the presence of axiones in dark matter, with some particles the very light that can become photons of light or electromagnetic energy that can be produced, absorbed and transmitted.

In summary, what the unique hurricane expects of scientists is to know what is the fundamental particle that it composes matter that surrounds us but that we can not see.

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