Andrés Chadwick at the request of UDI deputies for calling Cosena: "This is neither planned nor expected"


During this day, the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, denied the convening of the National Security Council (Cosena) as a result of acts of violence perpetrated in the region. Araucania after the death of the young man. Mapuche Camilo Catrillanca comunero.

According to the slogan of La Tercera, 10 UDI deputies will send a letter to President Sebastián Piñera asking him to ask Cosena to seek solutions to the conflict in the region and to give a sign of tranquility

"These are the opinions of some parliamentarians, this decision is made by the President of the Republic and is not yet, nor even planned or planned, but it is decided by the President of the Republic "said Chadwick.

In the letter, parliamentarians indicate that "the existence of terrorist attacks by violent groups whose victims are innocent, has forged the need to establish special groups of carabineros" and add that "the death Mr. Catrillanca's recent record undeniably created some instability in the achievements and the obvious efforts that were promoted by this government. "

" We believe that cancer terrorists must be removed with the weapons that give us democracy and the rule of law, "said MEPs.

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