The online mode of Red Dead Redemption 2 is about to start


The Beta Version of Online Mode of Red Dead Redemption 2 is about to be released, as reported Polygon. As we had planned in Bolavip Gamer, the beta would arrive in the last days of November. It was also announced that those who purchased the Ultimate version of the game will have early access compared to the rest of the Rockstar game owners.

Despite this, all users having Red Dead Redemption 2 can access the online mode. Here are the dates:

  • Tuesday, November 27 : Available for players with the ultimate version of Red Dead Redemption 2.
  • Wednesday, November 28 : Those who started the session in the Game on the day of release (26 October)
  • Thursday 29 November : The first entered between 27 and 29 October
  • Friday, November 30: All users

Rockstar described Red Dead Online as " an evolution of the clbadic multiplayer experience of the Red Dead Redemption uniting the narrative to the modes of competition and cooperation in a new and amusing way.

They also hope that the Red Dead Online will be transformed " into an online world, new and alive, waiting to be shared by several players. "

Red Dead Redemption 2 was released on October 26 on PS4 and Xbox One it quickly became a game that broke publication records and positioned itself as a possible game of the year

  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Red Dead Online
  • Rockstar
  • Player

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