A brain injury kills a Chilean every hour


Stroke is the leading cause of death in the country and the second leading cause in the world. According to the latest national health survey, the prevalence in Chile reached 2.6% of the population and, although not statistically significant, it showed an increase from 1.7% to 3.2% of the population. In general, as they live longer than men, this type of accident will have an even more negative impact on their lives.

"As the population ages, the incidence of stroke also increases among women, although it is true that older women are at greater risk because their life expectancy is longer," warns Dr. Daniel Cárcamo. , a vascular neurologist from the South Metropolitan Health Service, who is part of the medical staff working in the TeleAct unit. health institution

Cross-sectional risk factors

But this disease affects men and women. Cross-sectionally, the most known risk factors affecting stroke are hypertension, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol level), smoking, diabetes, obesity, sedentary lifestyle , an excess of salt in the diet and alcohol. [19659005] acv "clbad =" img img-responsive image-medium "/> VCA is the leading cause of death in Chile / Getty

A recent study conducted by Dr. Kathryn Rexrode, Department of Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, indicates that the difference is that women add unique factors that increase the risk of stroke. [19659002] According to the study published in the Stroke Journal, early age of menarche or the first rule (before age 10); early age at menopause (before age 45); low levels of hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS); and the use of contraceptive pills, are antecedents that increase the danger of a stroke in them.Other elements such as history of complications during pregnancy, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia or hypertension during or immediately after the big

Free exams to combat the possibility of having a cerebrovascular accident

Perform a series of activities at the rate of this disease. Those who pbad through the El Salvador metro will be able to control themselves and know the importance of maintaining healthy blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, in addition to the symptoms on the face, the speech and the arm to which they must be vigilant to avoid serious and fatal consequences.

The realization of the day of ACV is an initiative of the Society of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery of Chile (Sonepsyn) and enjoys the support of Hospital San Juan de Dios, Santa Clinic Maria, clinic Dávila and clinic Vespucio. Alemana, Clínica Nueva Cordillera and Vida Integra

It should be noted that the initiative will also be conducted in the Valparaíso regions (Van Buren Hospital, Dr Gustavo Fricke Hospital, Quilpué Hospital and San Martín Hospital in Quillota) and Temuco (Dr. Hernán Henríquez Aravena Hospital)

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