A carabinieri family murdered in Ercilla sues the state for $ 650 million – National


  Carabinieri families murdered in Ercilla sue the state for $ 650 million

Marine officer Hugo Albornoz died in 2012 during a raid on the community of Wente Winkul Mapu. Hugo Albornoz murdered within a Mapuche community in Ercilla in 2012, sued the state for more than 650 million pesos.

It is in April of this year that Sergeant GOPE of Carabineros lost his life while he was participating in a raid against the Wirt Winkul Mapu community of Ercilla. The officer was shot in the nape of the neck.

The only accused of this fact was finally acquitted by the court, a matter that continues to affect the widow and her two children, who in total claim a claim for compensation to the state for more than 650 million pesos.

His attorney, André Gay Shifferly, explained that the prosecution was establishing the series of flaws in the police proceedings, which had led to the death of Hugo Albornoz, among which the absence emergency plan.

According to the lawyer, Sergeant Albornoz had not even benefited from an air transfer, despite the severity of his injury and that had ultimately resulted in his death.

The family awaits the decision of Civil Justice at the end of the test presentation stage. This decision can take several months.


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