A carabinier's official was fired from the investigation for alleged sexual abuse


The former prefect of the Carabiniers de Llanquihue was acquitted during an investigation for presumption of badual abuse

It is about Colonel Christian Kunstmann, who was separated from his duties after being accused of having badually abused a woman private meeting and who had motivated last April, after the complaint of the alleged victim, an investigation of the Puerto Montt prosecutor's office.

The decision to terminate the investigation against the police officer was pbaded by the Puerto Montt Court of Appeal, finding that the facts complained of did not constitute an offense, which amounts to an acquittal, after several months of 39, formal investigation of the agent Carabineros.

Although the criminal investigation was completed, Carabineros maintains open the internal summary prepared in the case by the head of the Los Lagos Xa Police Zone, General Rodrigo Cádiz. Kunstmann is therefore separated from his duties but was not removed from his post

. Until then, the carabinieri, or the agent mentioned in the investigation of the prosecutor 's office, made no statement. Sources related to his defense did not exclude that Colonel Kunstmann even resorted to the courts against his informant.


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