A controversial Casablanca judge now refuses to use the word "lawyer" in court | National


The judge of the local police of Casablanca, Mario Cortés Cevasco, refuses to use the word "lawyer" before this court affirming that it did not conform to the regulation in force.

"Lawyers, whether they are biological or registered, who wish to be personalized as lawyers, may apply at the beginning of the hearing, access to which they will have access without further procedure, "says part of the message issued by the judge in dependencies of the local police court of Casablanca.

Point number three of the unusual memorandum is the one that aroused the most controversy: "The quality of advocacy will not be compromised because it is an equivocal expression without legal basis " indicates the document. .

Its author, Mario Cortes Cevasco, is nicknamed the "iron judge" of Casablanca because he has more than once generated news, as the wave of fines to no not to forget for having accelerated the treatment of the parliamentarians they take the route 68; or the most recent, the panel where he was referring to the sale of salads and compliments to women would not be sanctioned clearly referring to what had happened months ago in Las Condes.

In a conversation with La Radio, Rolando Jiménez, president of the Movement for Homobadual Integration and Liberation (Movilh), presented the profile of the fact but acknowledged that language is precisely a tool to generate inclusion. .

"Language facilitates processes of inclusion, recognition, validation of certain groups (…) Courts must be attentive to cultural change," commented the leader of Movilh.

https: //media.biobiochile. cl / wp-content / uploads / 2018/11 / movilhlider.mp3

For his part, the National Vice-President and Regional Coordinator of the Gay Action Movement, Marcelo Aguilar, played down this new piece which involves the famous casablanquino judge.

"The judge has permanently given instructions and public votes on matters that do not serve him.I think there are situations in which he likes to be in the arena (.. .) Afterwards, he does not comment or comment when asked, "Aguilar said.


The radio communicated directly with Mario Cortes Cevasco, who rejected referring to to this new but unusual controversial that implies it.

Below you can see the full message

  Eduardo Macias | Radio Bío Bío
Credit | Twitter

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