A convict and two acquitted for the murder of Gonzalo Muñoz


The released candidate Pedro Loncuante immediately regained his freedom and Sebastián Cáceres was found guilty of serious injuries against Sady Galindo

Gonzalo's father Muñoz del Campo called to respect the court decision, after Yesterday, the Court made its decision after two weeks of trial: in short, for the consummate homicide of the young victim of 22 years, only was convicted as material author the unloaded carabinero Miguel Delgado Velásquez, while the other former carabinero Pedro Loncuante Loncuante and the civilian Sebastián Cáceres Alonso were acquitted of having participated directly in the crime.

The verdict was heard at 10:30 this Friday at the Puerto Natales Courts and Guarantee, after the deliberation of Judge Luis Alvarez Valdés (who presided over the hall) Jovita Soto Maldonado and Julio Alvarez Toro

notified the acquittal to Pedro Loncuante, who recovered He immediately released his freedom, leaving the court at the back. However, the second acquitted by the homicide, Sebastián Cáceres Alonso, must remain in prison for at least a few days, once he will know the pain he will receive for the crime of serious injuries committed at Sady Galindo Soto's detriment. [19659003VendredilesagentsdescarabiniersontànouveauisolélepérimètreduTribunalcommecequis'estpbadéaucoursdespremiersjoursduprocèsLasalleétaitpleinedeparentsdesaccusésetdesvictimessansquoiilsdevraientregretterlesincidents

Jovita Soto, editor of the court read the verdict that sentenced Miguel Delgado Velásquez as an & # 39; author of the degree of consumer crime in the person of Gonzalo Muñoz del Campo and injuries less serious against Víctor Hernández Saldivia. For his part, Sebastián Cáceres Alonso was found guilty of committing the crime of serious injury in the person of Sady Galindo Soto. On the other hand, it was decided to acquit Pedro Loncuante Loncuante and Sebastián Cáceres Alonso of the prosecutor 's accusation and the private prosecutor as perpetrators of the crimes of simple homicide and qualified as Gonzalo Muñoz, just as Miguel Delgado Velásquez was acquitted. of the Attorney General and the private prosecutor of the crime of serious injury of Sady Galindo Soto.

Murder Committed

Regarding the homicide crime at the degree of consumption for which Miguel Delgado was convicted, Judge Jovita Soto pointed out that "we will say for the sake of 39 that the evidence provided in the trial and especially the statements of the expert of the legal medical service Javier Muñoz and the doctor neurosurgeon Giampiero Colagiovanni were decisive to accredit the death of Gonzalo Muñoz del Campo, otherwise public and notorious, was the result of the aggression he suffered from Mig Delgado Velásquez, who left him with wounds that resulted in a neurovegetative state and eventually led to his death. "

With respect to the extenuating circumstances alleged in favor of Delgado, the Court rejected self-defense as a defense. On the other hand, the public prosecutor and the private prosecutors failed to accredit the participation of Loncuante and Cáceres in the crime of homicide in the person of Gonzalo. Muñoz and Delgado in the serious injury crime of Sady Galindo Soto, since the evidence provided did not exceed the standard of reasonable doubt. As a result of the foregoing, the measure of imprisonment at which Loncuante was detained since July of last year was immediately lifted, which is why his immediate release was ordered, leaving the court at this time there, going to Punta Arenas

The sentence was fixed at 1 pm on July 9 in the offices of the Punta Arenas Criminal Court.

After that, the parties' allegation was opened on mitigating and aggravating circumstances affecting both defendants. In the case of Sebastián Cáceres, his lawyer asked to amend the prison for the preventive stop of night stay, which was rejected by the Court.

"Justice spoke"

Gonzalo's father, Alejandro Muñoz, He said that "justice has spoken, we must respect what justice says." He had the elements in his hands to to make the determinations that he had made.We are left with all the pain it causes.This can not be repeated again.I will never be satisfied because nothing is going to make our son. "

the sentence, the prosecutor Eugenio Campos said that "caution indicates that we must wait for the decision July 9. Regarding the citizen Loncuante, we have our apprehensions.In the case of homicide, the penalties that exceed 10 years and one day are risky.We postulate the maximum for the loss of life of Gonzalo Muñoz. "

Meanwhile, the lawyer Ramón Ibáñez, who represented the victim Sady Galindo, argued they had obtained the sentence that they were looking for ent for the injuries suffered by Sebastián Cáceres and I expected to see the decision to badyze why Miguel Delgado was acquitted of this crime. They requested the offense of serious injury a sentence of 3 years and a day and the Crown 541 days.

Meanwhile, the lawyer of Pedro Loncuante, the lawyer Mario Elgueta stressed that "for the moment I can only emphasize the satisfaction the situation of my represented.This defense always indicated his acquittal because that which was attributed to him could not be accredited because it had not occurred. "

Finally, the defender of the convicted Miguel Delgado, the lawyer Juan Carlos Rebolledo has pointed out that he will wait for the decision to see the steps to be taken (do not rule out the recourse to nullity before the Court). It was because the verdict was ultimately for homicide consumed and not frustrated as stated by the prosecution against his client. Therefore, the verdict for him was "surprising. We are surprised that the Court, without giving us the opportunity to plead, condemns to consume and also rejects self-defense. "


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