A dome of the people's force tried to "copar" the judiciary and the prosecution, says a witness | Politics


The dome of Fuerza Popular – composed by Keiko Fujimori Ana Hertz de Vega, Pier Figari and Vicente Silva Checa, tried "little by little to win the Judicial Branch and the Le prosecutor ", according to the statement made by the protected witness" TP 2017-55-3 ", that the prosecutor Jose Domingo Perez announced on Wednesday in advancing the request for detention in security detention against these people .

According to Pérez, he said that Fujimori Higuchi, Hertz, Figari and Silva understood that "it was necessary to have more friendly judges and prosecutors", after Joaquín's "scandal" Ramírez, former general secretary of Fuerza Popular accused by Jesús Vásquez pilot to launder money and to be the subject of an investigation by the DEA.

"According to the audios scandal of Joaquín Ramírez, the leaders understood that it was necessary to have more friends judges and prosecutors at the CNM [1945]. [0255] This in an attempt to build and manipulate possible prosecutions against Fuerza Popular, Keiko Fujimori and members of this organization, "said the informant.

"It is, little by little, the judicial power as a prosecutor," added.

The protected witness "TP 2017-55-3" also told Keiko Fujimori "give the order to support" Pedro Chávarry ", so that he be elected new prosecutor of the Nation" [19659006Hepointedoutthatoneexampleofthis"support"oftheFujimoristpartyinChávarrywasforexample"nottoaccumulateconstitutionalremedies"againsthim

"The intention of Fuerza Popular is to treat the charges individually in order to have put pressure on the prosecutor Pedro Chávarry in order to obtain future benefits within the Public Prosecutor's Office and mainly in connection with the investigations against Fuerza Popular, in particular those that have been prosecuted as a result of the investigation, the Attorney General José Domingo Pérez, "said the witness.

During the hearing, Pérez provided evidence of this statement. Screenshots of the conversation "La Botica", by which Keiko Fujimori communicates with his parliamentarians.

The prosecutor referred to Fujimori 's strategy of criticizing him and delegitimizing him in front of the public for going to Mexico during the first days of the preliminary arrest. former presidential candidate.

José Domingo Pérez recalled that in recent weeks the Deputy Prosecutor was removed from office without his knowledge and a report was requested on the work of his wife in the executive.

"This should not surprise us when the prosecutor who comes to know the case, is asked where his wife works and explains an academic speech, because the organization is there and controls the institutions", a- he declared.

Pedro Twitter, the prosecutor of the Nation, said he had never interfered in the work of the case of the special team Lava Jato.

"I repeat: I never interfered in the work of the task force [del Caso Lava Jato] I unified, I always respected their autonomy," he wrote.

"No prosecutor can say that he has incited him to favor or harm a political party or a particular person," he adds in his message. [ad_2]
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